Monster of the Day #2083

Have I featured this before? VERY early stop animated dinosaur from the 1923 (!) Buster Keaton movie Three Ages. So that’s two years before Willis O’Brien’s Lost World was released. The goofy dinosaur design also looks forward to the Ringo Starr comedy Caveman. The dino appears very briefly, and just near the start of Three Ages, so if you want to see it in action, the film is on YouTube in a pretty good print. Heck, watch the whole thing, it’s Buster Keaton.

  • bgbear_rnh

    Iverson Ranch for most of the caveman scenes. Odd to see in an early film when you are used to it used in westerns and sci-fi serials.

    Saw most of the film. Kind of a parody of Griffith’s “Intolerance”. Funny how most of the caveman and ancient Rome silly trope/gags had already been established or did Buster create them? Seems Eddie Cantor recycled some for “Roman Scandals”.

  • Gamera977

    Glad to see you taking proper anti-virus protection Bgbear..

  • Gamera977

    Reminds me of the grousing about the upcoming ‘Star Wars: The High Republic.’ The list of things they want to put in there kinda blows- except for Dinosaurs!

    Dinosaurs make everything cooler!

  • And Space Dinosaurs are even cooler than that!

  • KeithB

    I bet the effects compare favorably to “The Beast of Hollow Mountain” which was on Comet yesterday.

  • Rodford Smith

    Well, yeah. Bad Buster Keaton is better than the best many modern comedians can do.

    Speaking of early animation of dinosaurs, has this site featured what I believe is the very earliest? That is, the drawn Gertie the Dinosaur shorts by Winsor McCay.