Monster of the Day #2074

Skipping over the perennial showing of Plan 9, we moved on to the pretty much forgotten Kull the Conqueror, starring Kevin Sorbo. Sorbo’s one of those guys who comes off well in lighter stuff like Hercules but can’t really project a darker anti-hero side. On the other hand, this version of Kull is surprisingly progressive for a Robert E. Howard barbarian character. The movie is also hurt by it’s ‘want it both ways’ PG-13 rating. Anyhoo, Tia Carrerre is the sexpot witch queen who turns into a gobsmackingly bad CGI demon at the end. I’ll be blunt, I slept through a good deal of this. (Of course, it was also playing at 2:30 in the morning.)

  • Gamera977

    Saw it over a decade ago. All I remember is Sorbo and Carrerre with a crazy red wig and green contacts. And yeah, a red-headed Asian woman is kinda freaky right there. Thanks for the title, I’m going to have to find it and rewatch it and see if it’s as forgettable as I remember it as being.

  • I rather liked this one when I saw it in the theater. Although my experience is probably shaped by the fact that I was stationed overseas at the time and would generally see what ever the AAFES theater had that week, which means I walked out of some much more dire things than this during my tour. Still Kevin Sorbo is always personable and I quite liked Tia Carrere back during her brief run as the next big thing that went nowhere.

  • “…as forgettable as I remember it….”


  • Gamera977

    Ok, as forgettable as I don’t remember it. ;)

  • Beckoning Chasm

    The design is not bad, so I assume it was the execution that was terrible. Looks better than that lizard thing in the Mortal Kombat movie.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I saw it. It was okay. It butchered Howard’s original Kull stories all to bits, but that’s par for the course in Hollywood.

  • The Rev.

    I can save you the trouble: It is. I saw it back in college, so like 20+ years ago. I literally only remembered Sorbo and Carrere with the red wig. I didn’t remember the shitty CGI demon, or anything else. Before seeing it again at B-Fest, I wondered if I’d remember why I’d forgotten everything about it. Turns out I did, and it’s because there’s really nothing worth remembering.

  • Marsden

    That looks like something from the end of Howard the Duck.