Monster of the Day #2073

So the Fest was going along swimmingly, what with Killer Klowns and Dr Phibes and then Revenge of the Ninja, one of Sho Kosugi’s entertainingly goofy ninja movies. Then, our first (of luckily few) cinematic potholes, Al Adamson’s Blood of Dracula’s Castle. It’s kind of meant to be funny, but Al Adamson funny. Let’s sum up Al Adamson, he gets John Carradine to appear in his Dracula picture, and then he doesn’t make him Dracula. For that he cast the guy from Horror of Spider Island.

Others seemed to enjoy this a little more, largely I assume because even in that crowd not many had already seen it. I had, so it wasn’t going me any favors. Better than another showing of Rhinestone, though.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I think I saw this on television, decades ago. The only thing I really remember is how Carradine pronounced “blood.” It was kind of like “buh-lud.”

  • Gamera977


    So ‘Rhinestone’ has been played at the ‘Fest? Hmmm, I’m not sure I’d consider it a good movie but I wouldn’t consider it a bad one. It’s been over a decade since I’ve seen it but it did get a few laughs from me. Then again I just like Dolly so maybe it’s me.

  • Rock Baker

    D’Arcy was once in the running to become one of Hollywood’s major heartthrobs. Genre fans tend to overlook that. HORRORS OF SPIDER ISLAND came during a decline in his career, but remains the film he’s most noted for today. HOW TO MARRY A MILLIONAIRE seems completely overlooked, much to what I’m sure would be his disappointment.

  • Rock Baker

    Of note, the theatrical and television versions are completely different movies. The theatrical film was a vampire picture, the televised version a werewolf movie! Criterion needs to get ahold of this one.

  • zombiewhacker

    I got a laugh out of the stupid opening credit, “Also Starring Alex D’Arcy as Count Dracula.” Also starring??? Isn’t this his freaking movie?

  • Ken_Begg

    I know it ran twice in like three years. I have no idea why. I’d already seen it in theaters, so I wasn’t overly pleased. Although yes, Dolly Parton had terrific screen presence. Stallone is awful at comedy, though.

  • Ken_Begg

    Also Cameron Mitchell in the same movie.

  • zombiewhacker

    Alex D’Arcy: “Egad! I’m the worst Dracula in cinematic history!”

    Zandor Vorkov: “Hold my beer.”

  • Rock Baker

    History has been a bit kinder to Mr. Mitchell. Although he’s done movies all across the spectrum, he remains thought of as a genuine star. D’Arcy flirted with major stardom but never quite solidified himself into that position. Although as you like to point out, genre fans never forget anybody so he’s got that.

  • zombiewhacker

    As mentioned in another thread, I always thought Mitchell was a pretty good actor, usually delivering effective performances even in the dreariest roles (“Space Mutiny” – ugh!)

    I can’t really say the same for D’Arcy, based on his work in this film and Horrors of Spider Island, so it’s no wonder his career went straight downhill. Remember, old pros like John Carradine and Cameron Mitchell continued to work in mainstream Hollywood productions even after they started moonlighting in Z grade “cinema.” D’Arcy’s descent, on the other hand, was a one-way trip.

  • Ken_Begg

    Well…it’s an Al Adamson movie. Every one of his pictures was five different pictures at one point or another.