Monster of the Day #2062

FoJ Michael C suggested this cult classic (you ever noticed how EVERY horror movie is called a “cult classic” by someone? I think this actually falls into that category, though). Children Shouldn’t Play with Dead Things was one of the first Romero-influenced zombie films that had a bit more humor to it. As such it paved the way for later films like Return of the Living Dead. Free to watch, if you have Amazon Prime.

  • Gamera977

    Ack, he looks like a zombified Creature From the Black Lagoon in that photo.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Years since I’ve seen it, but I seem to recall it being slow and kind of stupid, with really unlikable characters.

  • Great little flick, though it’s been a while since I saw it.

  • Ken_Begg

    Well, those are the kind of characters you like to see being eaten by zombies. So you get that.