Monster of the Day #2056

Bowery at Midnight is basically a redo of Bela’s earlier Edgar Wallace fick Dead Eyes of London/The Human Monster, only with zombies. Ah, zombies (particularly the pre-Romero ones). The cheapie producer’s favorite monster. Yes, this is the end of the movie. C’mon, there’s no way that’s a spoiler.

  • bgbear_rnh

    “Can one of you help me with this bow tie? I said one!”

  • Gamera977

    ‘You promised me bargain basement prices!’

  • Beckoning Chasm

    “May I take your hat and coat, sit?”

  • Gamera977

    Last night I watched ‘Wolf Guy: Enraged Lycanthrope’ a 1975 Japanese movie starring Sonny Chiba as the last survivor of a werewolf clan fighting the curse of the tiger claws. It’s not as exciting as it sounds. Chiba never turns into a wolfman, he’s just a human guy with an insane ability to regenerate damage that would kill a normal human multiple times over. But it is kinda strange and I don’t think I’ve heard of it before so it might appeal to some here. Personally it’s worth watching if you find a copy, not sure it’s worth tracking it down though.

  • Eric Hinkle

    The real reason Bela looks horrified here is because these guys told him,”We’ve seen the future, and one day you’ll wish you could get roles in movies as good as this!”

  • Eric Hinkle

    Pity about the not-transforming bit. I’d love to see a Japanese film about a werewolf who uses his over the top martial arts skills while shifted, with the whole thing full of wild SFX.

    I do seem to recall that one version of Ultraman faced a shapeshifting and gender-bending werewolf kaiju, though, so there’s that.

  • Gamera977

    I’m kinda wondering if he was just supposed to be some supernatural guy and they added the werewolf concept for Western audiences. Yet, there’s a whole subplot that when then moon is in the proper phase he gets stronger. There are lots of really good fight scenes, it would have been cooler if he’d been a kung-fu wolfman though!

    It all came off to me as an episode of Kolchak: The Night Stalker. Chiba’s guy is a reporter who gets on the tail of a story about a guy killed by horrible flesh wounds that look like they were made by tiger claws. Then he finds out the guy was in a band and all the members died the same way. If Kolchak was bullet-proof and more charismatic he might be sorta like Chiba’s character!

  • The Rev.

    That was Ultraman Leo. Episode 17, “Behold! Ultra Horror Series – Bride of the Wolfman.” Alien Wolf (yes, that’s its name) possesses human women, trying to find a good host. Then it fought Leo and got Ultra Kicked to death, like you do.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Thanks.So the alien wolf monster was named — Alien Wolf? That’s a trifle on the nose, but hey, if it worked.