Monster of the Day #2048

Not a great movie by any stretch, but I’m pleased that somebody out there might stumble on it on Amazon Prime like I stumbled on it on my teeny black and white TV set back in the day. (Although they won’t have to fiddle with the rabbit ears during the whole thing.)

  • Gamera977

    Little known fact- wresting (both Mexican and American) was first brought to the New World by Spanish conquistadors.

    And I know what you mean about ‘gems in the rough’. I watched ‘Octaman’ (aka Jeff Morrow appeared in a monster movie worse than ‘The Giant Claw’) on Amazon Prime last night. And if that isn’t enough to get you to subscribe nothing will…

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Is this the one directed by the same guy who directed “Missile to the Moon”? (The remake of “Cat Women of the Moon.”)

  • Ericb

    Maybe Amazon should move this stuff to a more specialized service, they can call it Amazon Sub-Prime.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Giant From The Unknown! Such a weird movie even for the 50’s.

    By the way, talking those wonderfully bizarre 50’s films, has anyone here ever read Howard Waldrop’s All About Strange Monsters Of The Recent Past? It’s a story in which all of those 50’s monster flicks start to happen for real, all at once. I was surprised to see how many I recognized just from one or two lines in the story. It’s weird but it’s great.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Less known is the match that settled the fate of the Aztecs when Cortes and Alvarado took on Moctezuma and Cuitlahuac in a two-out-of-three falls before the Templo Mayor.

  • Rock Baker

    My first viewing of this film was a pristine 16mm print Pop ran across. Somewhat mystifying, the title card read THE GIANT OF DEVIL’S CRAIG. That was the production title, but so far we’ve been able to establish, it never actually ran under that title, so the print having said title remains a mystery! Loved it, though.

  • Scopi314

    Moderately fun fact: The movie includes cattle mutilations a decade before cattle mutilations became a thing people thought were really happening. (And confusingly, the mutilations seem to be independent of the titular Giant and are never explained as far as I can remember.)

  • I’m sorry. Gem in the rough and Octaman should never be used in the same paragraph. Unless you’re pointing out that they shouldn’t be in the same paragraph. Then it’s totally okay.

    Also, worse than The Giant Claw doesn’t quite describe it. The difference in quality between the two is as big as a battleship.

  • Gamera977

    Ok ‘gem’ as a great ‘bad’ movie. ;)