Monster of the Day #2044

Is this the best werewolf movie since The Howling? It’s certainly a nominee. Watch it for free if you have Amazon Prime.

I hope everyone’s having a good run up to Christmas. And a few weeks until 2020! 20 years since Y2K destroyed civilization as we knew it.

  • Acethepug

    Oh, absolutely! One of my favorites, in fact, thanks for the tips on Prime for these!

  • Gamera977

    Can’t argue with that! ‘Ginger Snaps’ is the only recent WW movie that comes even close.

  • kgb_san_diego

    Unfortunately, talking about a rather limited pool of movies.

    Both this and Ginger Snaps left me frustrated, somehow. Not because they weren’t good, but because they WERE good, and I felt came close to great, but could not quite pull it off… Still absolutely worth a watch tho!

  • Gamera977

    Well ‘Dog Soldiers’ hits about every point on the checklist for a WW movie, aka loved one or ally becomes cursed with lycanthrophy and has to be taken down, ally turns out to be werewolf in human form, etc, etc, etc. But on my last rewatch I frankly can’t think of anyway I’d have changed it to make it any better.
    And as to ‘Ginger Snaps’ since I never went though puberty as a teen-aged girl there’s probably a lot I didn’t get in the film.

  • bgbear_rnh

    WERE good ” ISWYDT ;-)

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I have this somewhere and should watch it. I gotta say, though, that creature looks like an action figure. Maybe because it’s so shiny?

  • Gamera977

    I’m wondering if werewolf movies are a smaller pool of movies simply because they require more work to make. That is a cheap set of fangs from the dollar store and you have a vampire film. Smear some oatmeal on someone’s face and you have a zombie flick. But a werewolf requires actual special effects work.

  • kgb_san_diego

    Whatever strange problems I have with it, it IS a really fun watch. Worth your time.

  • Ken_Begg

    Ginger Snaps and the sequels are also available on Amazon Prime.