Monster of the Day #2042

Ugh. OK, yesterday I have a flu bug thing going, luckily it’s gone. Today I got up early (since I slept a lot more than usual yesterday, which was nice), but a Microsoft update patch took a LOT longer to download than I would have thought. I didn’t think it would finish before I left for work, but it did. Whew.

Amazon Prime Week! Yes, Amazon provides it’s subscribers the opportunity to stream Horror of Party Beach. Of course video is one of a myriad of things you get with your Prime membership (free two-day shipping is my main one), but I really liked that they stepped in once Netflix started getting rid of all their library content and focused more on original content. Amazon does a lot of their own programming too, but they saw an opportunity and bless them they stepped in and started offering a lot of old junk.

  • Gamera977


    Glad you’re feeling better Ken. I guess showing the virus some of the movies we watch is enough to get it to flee from your body! :)

    I’ve seen this movie about a half-dozen times on MST3K but not sure I’ve ever seen it in it’s natural form.

  • Ericb

    Sssssnausages !!!!

  • The Rev.

    This was a rare MST3K selection I saw before they did it. Like The Giant Spider Invasion and Overdrawn at the Memory Bank, the Sci-Fi Channel ran this movie before giving it over to the Best Brains crew. I’ve definitely seen it more times with Mike and the ‘bots than without, but it’s also the only one of those three I’ve seen sans any riffing more than once.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    This remains the only movie I’ve seen where the writer was also the cinematographer (but not the director).

  • Eric Hinkle

    I saw it a couple of time ‘back innaday’ on local TV stations. Having heard of it as some goofy near-comedy I was vastly shocked the first time I saw it compete with the scene of the slumber party massacre. That was pretty grisly for a movie back when this was made.

  • zombiewhacker

    Growing up I watched it unriffed
    from time to time and first saw the MST3K version only very recently.

    This is one of those movies I’m embarrassed to say that scared me as a youngster (particularly the scene with the two drunks in the parking lot) but now can laugh off as primo cheese.

  • Wade Harrell

    This might be my all-time favorite MST3K episode, the movie strikes that right balance of goofiness and competence that make it the perfect subject for that show. Some movies are so over the top ridiculous, like Plan 9 or Robot Monster, that their riffing would add nothing to it (which is why I don’t think they did those movies but Rifftrax did). while some movies are a little too good and you find yourself caught up in the plot too much to pay attention to the commentary. The goofy 50’s/60’s youth movie tropes in this one crack me up as to the appearance of the creatures themselves. “Does anyone like pickles more than me?”

  • RWA

    One of the funniest photo gags in Cracked (back when it was Mad rip-off for little kids instead of a Mental Floss rip-off for adults with the mentality of little kids) came from this movie: to a still of the guy in the car with half his face ripped off was the caption “Boy! That was a big bug!”