Monster of the Day #2010

Sunday those of us that stayed around tested new games and (surprised) watched cheesy movies. We started watching Andy Sidaris’ Seven, with “Big” Bill Smith. However, shortly after that some of Sandy’s grandkids came to visit, so we hurriedly stopped that and started up with X from Outer Space. It was a big hit for all ages.

We did watch Seven later, and it’s Andy Sidaris’ best film, which is probably underselling it.

  • Gamera977

    I am embarrassed that as a huge kaiju fan I still haven’t seen this movie. I finally got around to seeing ‘Varan The Unbelievable’ and ‘Space Amoeba’ but still nope on this one.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    The jazz soundtrack makes it interesting. And I just can’t get over how little the head matches the body. It’s like a Mexican wrestler kaiju.

  • bgbear_rnh

    Earworm every time.

    Look up the Ladders Guilala commercial if you never saw it. Cute.

  • The Rev.

    We played that after the movie for anyone who hadn’t seen it, because it’s pretty great.

    Unfortunately I missed Seven which I was really interested in. Sounds like I better find it ASAP.

  • Mike Weller

    Oh, yeah. Lounge music of the stars! And- Deely Bobbers!

  • bgbear_rnh

    Seven sounds like a winner. I do like William Smith, another guy who never had any trouble going from child actor to well adjusted adult actor. Real smart too.

  • zombiewhacker

    The cast for Seven is interesting: William Smith, Barbara Leigh (aka Mrs. Timothy Leary), Martin Kove from the Karate Kid movies, Reggie Nalder, karate champ Ed Parker, Terry Kiser (Bernie from Weekend With Bernie), and Lenny “Luca Brasi” Montana as a Hawaiian godfather.

    The movie itself, however, is only occasionally inspired and watchable at best. That’s still high praise for Sidaris given that his later films were pretty much unwatchable even with all the gratuitous skin-baring.

  • Nate Winchester

    Having just finished the guns, girls & gstring collection… you’re quite right, though the last two films seemed to have gone just bat-guano crazy enough to be a touch entertaining.

  • Ken_Begg

    Space Amoeba (aka Yog Monster from Space) is on Amazon Prime for anyone who wants to give it a look.

  • Ken_Begg

    My uncle used to tell me about Seven, but it was weirdly obscure. I had no idea it was an Andy Sidares film. It’s worth watching just for the fact that it gives Bill Smith a nice starring role.

  • Ken_Begg

    I think the problem is that they are just too similar and so start to wear on you. Hard Ticket to Hawaii was fairly early in the run and the most fondly remembered because of the crazy snake stuff, maybe Sidaris just found that sort of thing too much work because he didn’t go back to that well again.

  • Nate Winchester

    Quite true. You can usually tell which of his movies are going to be worth watching by how creative his opening credits sequence is.

    But the last two films in that series did have random ninjas.

  • Gamera977

    Oh gosh I just ordered the ‘G,G, &G’ collection with a bunch of horror movies on a Halloween sale. Gee, ten movies for less than ten bucks and I keep hearing about how bat-guano crazy ‘Hard Ticket to Hawaii’ is so I have to see it. I’m under enough stress I figured some bikini babes and pointless explosions would do me good…

  • Gamera977

    Yeap, watched both ‘Yog’ and ‘Varan’ there!

  • zombiewhacker

    Maybe the snake could be a MOTD. Snake week on Jabootu!

  • Nate Winchester

    Some things I don’t want to spoil because part of the fun for me was being surprised by some later developments. HT2H is probably his best work (and one of his most creative credit sequences) and you’ll know when it starts losing steam – but some of the later ones have bat-guano crazy moments that make the slog worth it.

  • Nate Winchester

    I’d definitely bet on that as well.

  • Gamera977

    I think Ken already used the snake, will have to go back and check.

    Now I’m really looking forward to getting the DVDs. Should be here either Wed. or Thur. I’ve been watching a horror movie a night but I guess I could break out HT2H instead!

  • The Rev.

    I finally saw HTtH this year, and having seen most of his movies, I’d be hard pressed to say anything else from his career surpasses it in sheer entertainment. It was kind of like Zombie Lake: Knowing what to expect still didn’t detract from experiencing it firsthand, and it was as amazing as everyone said. Malibu Express I also found pretty breezy and fun, although obviously it could’ve used more Sybil Danning. Most of the rest it’s been too long to really remember them (I saw a lot of them in my teen years, unsurprisingly), although I still recall Picasso Trigger being pretty bad. I need to grab that collection at some point and refresh my memory on the others, although I want to get ahold of Seven first and see what I missed.

  • Gamera977

    Okay, the snake is MotD #826. Searching though over 2000 monsters took me a little while.

  • zombiewhacker

    Nice catch!