Monster of the Day #1987

Is Pinhead the last movie monster to really enter the pantheon?

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Jar Jar Binks, maybe.

  • Gamera977

    Personally I never cared for Data’s punk phase…

    Seriously, you’re probably right. I can’t think of any new monster in years. It’s all been revamping original concepts.

  • Wade Harrell

    By the Pantheon do you mean instantly-recognizable monsters that have become pop culture icons? If so, then yeah, maybe, I can’t think of any others! Maybe the clown from the new version of IT? Or does that not count since it was just a new version of an existing creature? There have been some really cool monsters of more recent vintage though, I liked the creature from The Host (the Korean movie of course, not the YA America movie with that title). The Netflix movie The Ritual has a really bizarre monster. I normally don’t like over-designed and complicated monsters, but the Ritual creature worked for me in context of the story, it was very unsettling!

  • I don’t think so. Child’s Play came out the next year after Hellraiser and Chucky has had a better theater run than Pinhead.

  • Ken_Begg

    Good call!

  • Gamera977

    I have to agree- I can see ‘Chucky’ replacing ‘Talky Tina’ in the public consciousness as the killer doll archetype. I mean as much as I love ‘Dog Soldiers’ and ‘Ginger Snaps’ the werewolves are basically not that different from ‘The Wolfman’.

    Frankly the only monsters I can think of off the top of my head as new is to use ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’ again- the Borg are sorta a new incantation of the ‘Killer Robot/Cyborg’ archetype.

    That and sadly enough the sparkly vampire type from ‘Twilight’… ;(

  • Gamera977

    Ummmmm… ‘The Ritual’? I’ll have to put that down on my list of movies I need to watch someday.

  • Eric Hinkle

    He said monsters, not abominations.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Good old Pinhead. I do enjoy the second movie in the series, mostly for the one scene where we see Dr. Channard leaving the chamber that tortured him into a Cenobite. Just for that one line of dialogue: And to think… I hesitated.

  • A case might also be made for Tremors’ graboids (it does have a film series, albeit one that’s mainly DTV) or perhaps Sadako, the ghost girl from Ringu (she even has her own Versus movie fighting another monster/ghost) However, if we’re talking old school Universal type monsters, Chucky and Pinhead are most likely the last two.

  • Marsden

    Tim Curry IT is the IT. That new one isn’t it. 1990 Ken!

  • The Rev.

    I think I’d agree on Sadako; she might be the most recent.

    The other ghost is Kayako, from Ju-On: The Grudge (which I feel like I should watch again because, despite the general praise it gets, it really did nothing for me and I wonder if I missed something). I’ve seen the trailer for Sadako vs. Kayako, but I got the feeling the movie’s in on the joke and I’m still torn on whether I want to risk it or not.