Monster of the Day #1969

Again, very nice poster for a very obscure movie. Man, I haven’t seen this one in decades. I’ll have to look for that.

  • Gamera977

    I think I’ve seen this. I don’t remember anything like the poster of course…

    I did watch ‘The Mighty Peking Man’ on Amazon Prime last night. I thought it couldn’t be worse than A*P*E….


    Actually it’s not worse, nor better. Just painful in different sort of way- sorta like being poked in the eye vs. being kicked in the nards…

  • Beckoning Chasm

    It looks like the two people standing have vampire teeth and…they’re being attacked by vampire bats?

  • Eric Hinkle

    “Boris! Vlad! Bad bats, bad! These are our victims!”

  • Rock Baker

    At the very least it had some pep and was entertaining. Really, I thought it got right what the ’76 KONG got wrong. Think about that for a second!

    In an odd trivia note, I recently saw the “Kong!” episode of The Chipmunks Go To The Movies. The plot of their episode actually more closely mirrored Peking Man than either version of Kong around at the time.

  • Rock Baker

    The artwork suggests an interesting idea of a film where giant bats go on the rampage.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Lou Diamond Phillips is probably pretty inexpensive these days.

  • Rock Baker

    Well, the artwork suggests a better take on the material. I had forgotten all about that misfire!

  • Rock Baker


    That actually is how the movie ends.

  • Ken_Begg

    Yes, although it looks (surprise!) cooler in the poster.

  • Rock Baker

    I haven’t seen a poster blow an ending like this since I saw ad art for WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH HELEN?

  • kgb_san_diego

    Hey guys. OT, but of interest to at least Ken, if not many of you:

    Criterion’s newest box set is the full set of Showa Godzilla movies, up to and including the (ahem) not wonderful Smog Monster. Think of Destroy All Monsters in Blu-ray!

  • zombiewhacker

    One of Hammer’s best vampire films, IMHO.

  • Rock Baker

    Will it include the American release versions of all of them? Or is this set specifically for arthouse types?

  • Gamera977

    I think I remember now- they use black magic to defeat the vampires. Which always stuck me as strange- the vamps are in league with Satan so we use Satanic magic to destroy them!?!

  • Gamera977

    Big thanks for the head’s up! Sounds awesome! I do have all of them on DVD by other companies though.

    I would like to replace some of my Heisei movies that are only dubbed with no subtitle option though. Hope they get the rights there.

  • kgb_san_diego

    I believe it contains the American cut of the original film.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Think of it as complaining to their ‘boss’ about their failure, and he gives you the power to punish them.

    Besides if they’re literally diabolic, then Old Scratch has their souls, so what does he care if they get destroyed? Besides, they might repent if they lived any longer. Better to kill them now while you have them.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Reminds me of an old ‘Spider’ novel where the Master of Men confronted the Vampire King. The villain used hordes of trained giant (think small dog size) killer bats. In one scene a massive swarm of the bats descends on Broadway as the theaters are letting out and hundreds of people are devoured as the Spider battles to save everyone he can.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Will they be done as DVD or only as Blu-ray?

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Reminds me of that X-Files episode about a school run by Satanists. “Die Hand Der [something or other]”

  • Mike Weller

    So Satan is a mob ‘boss of all bosses’…which kinda works, if ya think on it.

  • Rock Baker

    Yes, as I heard it, the ending was originally planned for THE BRIDES OF DRACULA, but Peter Cushing raised issue with how illogical and out of character it would be to have Van Helsing turning to the devil for help.

  • Rock Baker

    It’s been a while since I’ve seen it, but I think an army of giant bats were also minions of one of the dinosaurs in ATTACK OF THE SUPER-MONSTERS.

  • Eric Hinkle

    This comment reminds me of a book I read years ago about the Medieval European idea of Satan as not the glorious Prince of Darkness, but rather as the equivalent of a ‘friendly’ drug pusher, being all sweetness and light to his ‘customers’ on the surface while privately despising them.

  • The Rev.

    As the resident expert on that movie, you are correct. The Pteranodon brings an army of very large bats with him to attack Gemini Force’s base. No one ever seems surprised to see bats of that size, either; they’re just concerned that they’re attacking people en masse.

  • More importantly it includes the Japanese cut of King Kong v. Godzilla. That’s something I’ve been dying to see.

  • Gamera977

    Ordered it last night, thanks again for the head’s up KGB!!! And thanks Cullen for bringing it up again, saw this, stuck it in a mental folder, and prompty forgot it.