Monster of the Day #1959

It’s hard to find a good still from this one, which is weird, because the print on Amazon Prime is quite good and shows the monster pretty cleanly. I guess an old DVD copy or something must have been lousy. Anyway, I’ll write up a few notes on this one and post it as my Amazon Prime piece this weekend. If anyone wants to watch a film and contribute, send me something at

  • Gamera977

    I keep thinking about writing a review to contribute to the site but it kinda requires me to watch a bad movie multiple times. Once I’ve seen it once I’m ready to move on to another. I’ll keep thinking about it. And you’re of course free to use anything I’ve already posted like my paragraph review of ‘Revenge of Dr. X’.

  • Now you’re tempting me to go and re-watch all of Blake’s 7, searching for aliens and monsters…..