The greatest “Huh?” of 2019….

I had seen this, but Eric Hinkle also aptly commented on it on the thread for the latest MotD. He summed it up nicely, so….

“Has anyone else heard the ‘good’ news about the goofy old 60’s kiddie TV show ‘The Banana Splits’?

SyFy made a movie about it. But they did change a few things. Apparently the ‘Splits are still around in the teens and still drawing hordes of kids to watch them. And oh yeah, they’re all crazy murderers in a R-rated gorefest.

I am not making that up. Seriously. Go look for the trailers on YouTube and articles online. Why would they even make this film? What sort of an audience do they think they’re going to get? Only a few people even remember the Banana Splits and how many of them wanted to see the characters act like people from Hostel or Saw?

I freely admit that I do not understand the thought processes of Hollywood.”

  • Ericb

    I wish I had but that was Eric Hinkle not me.

  • Ericb

    Oh, and are they trying to create a new genre “campy torture porn”? I wonder who they think the audience for that would be?

  • Ken_Begg

    Oops, sorry!

  • Ken_Begg

    I agree with Eric H that is exposes the lunacy of the “established IP” thing. While I remember to this day the Banana Splits with some fondness, as do a statistical handful of others, as Eric notes why would they think we’d want something like this. It’s like when they made the gory dark Munsters series.

  • Ericb

    This must happen when SyFy Imagines Greaterer.

    I loved the Banana Splits when I was 4 but I have to say I haven’t thought of them much since then. You know, stuff like the splits and Sesame Street aren’t exactly like b-movies or Star Trek or even Saturday morning cartoons, properties than can have some interest for an adult, even if sometimes only in a ironic way. Preschool shows don’t have the cult cred of stuff that appealed to adolescents and young adults (well many except for ravers back in the 90s who watched Teletubbies while coming down from their ecstasy highs). So we’re really in unintentional satire territory here.

  • My kids were talking about this the other day. I must admit that I was only able to muster the energy for an eye roll without dismissing it out f hand. Maybe we need to figure out how to organize Jabootu acolyte watch parties for this sort of thing.

  • Also I assume this is being driven by the popularity of the Five Nights at Freddy’s franchise. Maybe the splits were a cheaper license?

  • Eric Hinkle

    According to what I’ve read they originally wanted to do a FNaF movie, but couldn’t get the rights. So they went with the Banana Splits instead.

    For the life of me I can’t get the reasoning behind that decision.

    And hey, I got quoted on Jabootu. Does that make me ‘Net Famous’ now?

  • Eric Hinkle

    If this succeeds, what will they do with other old kiddie shows? Maybe a crossover between the writings of HP Lovecraft and Sid and Marty Krofft’s shows? Then again, I remember HR Pufnstuf and Lidsville as being pretty deranged in the first place. Maybe Witchy-Poo as Keziah Mason? Her rat sidekick in the SS uniform could double for Brown Jenkin!

  • Eric Hinkle

    Yeah. How many people even remember this show. And how many of them wanted to see it get turned into ‘Hostel: The Animated Series’?

    Yeah I know it’s not animated, though they had a lot of cartoons they showed during it. Guess it’s too much to expect that they’ll be showing ‘reimagined’ versions of them as well during the movie.

  • Screw this noise! Where’s my R rated Smurfs movie! I want to see Les Schtroumpfs noirs/The Purple Smurfs as God intended it, with all the graphic Smurf tail biting of the original comic! And nothing like the watered down cartoon version either! A realistic bleak nihilistic ending we deserve, with the Smurfs totally becoming the ultimate in obnoxious! Even more so than they are! Gnap! Gnap!

  • Ken_Begg

    Well, Sigmund was clearly a Deep One.

  • Kirk

    You have GOT to be kidding me…

  • Eric Hinkle

    Given how friendly he was with humans, he was a rather incompetent Deep One.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Just think, in another year or so Hollywood will make a movie that makes this look normal.

  • Yes you are now Internet Famous, aka Infamous.

  • A Derp One……

  • Gamera977

    Personally I’d never even heard of the show until either Ken or maybe it was the Plain Stallions website brought it up.

    I think it’s that Hollywood can’t let anything remain innocent. It all must be corrupted. And the IP was probably pretty cheap.

  • bgbear_rnh

    Make :Danger Island” actually dangerous.

  • Rock Baker

    The story I got was that the script was actually written for a Freddy’s movie, but that the creator of the franchise didn’t like the script and commissioned a second script. He was then approached for permission to use the original script for another movie and he gave the script to them.

  • Rock Baker

    Well, there is a XXX version of the Smurfs, believe it or not, so there is a harder-edged live-action version of the property already out there.

  • Rock Baker

    I think my feelings on this may be summed up by a recent experience thanks to a load of VHS tapes I was gifted, several Scooby Doo movies among them. SCOOBY DOO ON ZOMBIE ISLAND, I was surprised to discover, was actually a legitimate horror movie rather than an all-out comedy. Oh, they didn’t have the zombies eating people or anything like that, but it was a lot rougher stuff than I ever expected. At first, I sort of admired the experimentation with the franchise. Then I watched SCOOBY DOO AND THE LEGEND OF THE VAMPIRE, which tried very hard to follow the lead of the old series. Not only was it written in the style of the original show, but it reunited the original voice cast and even duplicated the ‘walk cycle’ used on the TV show (they even used incidental music cues actually written for the original show). The results were so clean and fun that it made me realize just how little I cared for the more edgy updated frame of the zombie entry. It just reinforced a belief I’ve always held, which is that if you can write a good script, you don’t need to be edgy.

  • That doesn’t shock. Rule 34 is very, very real. They even had a Dalek porno, for God’s sake.

    To be slightly more serious about the matter than I was, I’d like to see a decent adaptation any of the Smurfs comics. The Purple Smurfs in particular as, if I recall it correct, it was a really good story.

  • The Rev.

    Well, look at that. My guess during my viewing of the trailer was dead-on, that being “Someone wanted to make a ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’ movie, couldn’t get the rights, and somehow got the rights to the Banana Splits instead.” Go me!

    Although it would be screamingly obvious to anyone who’s ever seen “FNaF.”

    I only ever saw a couple of episodes of the Banana Splits in my adulthood, so I have no attachment to the show. However, nothing about that trailer made me remotely curious about it. I doubt I’ll ever watch it…unless that Jabootu watch party happens, I suppose.

  • CFKane

    Well, they already decided that what was needed to perfectly update “Land of the Lost” was to make it a comedy starring Will Ferrell…

  • Rock Baker

    That certainly seems to be the case where Hanna-Barbera’s stable is concerned. Some years ago before I canceled my satellite dish, I remember more or less all their characters were being defiled for the sort of edgy ‘adult comedy’ shows which eventually took over the Cartoon Network evening line-up. If it’s an actual policy decision from someone running the company now, I guess HB characters even being used for gory horror shouldn’t have been unexpected. Makes one a bit more tolerant to Disney’s maniacal control over their own properties (although I hear they’re departing pretty radically from their traditions lately).

  • CFKane

    “I think it’s that Hollywood can’t let anything remain innocent. It all must be corrupted.”

    Anyone watched “Riverdale” lately?

    And “Nancy Drew” is coming soon…

  • Rock Baker

    Not to shamelessly self-promote, but it’s exactly that kind of thing that my new book is offered as the antidote to. I just want to make people smile. (Cartoon Cuties issue 1 is now on sale through Amazon, end of plug.)

  • Ken_Begg

    Man, you still are watching VHS tapes? Might be time to send you whatever piles of them I have left.

  • Rock Baker

    I’ll always accept more! I’ll gladly take any you still have on your hands, Ken! I also finally got around to doing Beta. Finally got to see some essentials that had somehow eluded me for years, like TRON and BATTLE BEYOND THE STARS.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I missed that movie. Everything I’ve heard since told me I made the right decision.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Wait, wait — someone made a Dalek porno? Dear sweet merciful Heaven.

  • Ken_Begg

    Heck, Katy Manning did nudie photos with a Dalek way back in the day, so it’s not that surprising.

  • Gamera977

    I’ve seen some PG-13 photos of that but a porno film!?!

    The idea that Daleks state everything before they do it makes it sound more like a comedy than a porno.


  • Ericb

    Ejaculate! Ejaculate!

    (ken, I hope that’s pg enough, if not feel free to … Delete! Delete!)

  • Rock Baker

    The film was called ABDUCTED BY THE DALEKS, although it probably sounds more amusing than it is in actual execution. A car load of girls is, as the title indicates, abducted by daleks for experimentation. Now, one would think the film would then follow a basic pattern of the girls being studied by their captors until they could escape, but that actually doesn’t happen. Rather, the first half has the girls abducted, briefly menaced, and then killed off. Then there’s a second half where one of the daleks (I think) is somehow transformed into a human woman and then interrogated by a military unit. The whole affair is pretty dismal on both fronts, working neither as a sci-fi spoof or as an outlet for lingering at exposed female forms. The neatest thing about it is that they use some neat 60’s style dalek props, but even that aspect they fail to exploit very well. It was one of those “even I could do better than that if I were the sort to do something like that” episodes.

  • Wade Harrell

    I wonder if its made to appeal to fans of the “5 Nights at Freddy’s” horror video games, which also involve murderous cartoon animals. Does Turner Broadcasting own Syfy? I think they own the rights to the Hanna Barbera stuff.

  • Wade Harrell

    Wasn’t Secret Squirrel on there? They could do that one like “Archer”. But with a squirrel! We shouldn’t give them ideas…

  • Wade Harrell

    I just saw the exchange between Galaxy Jane and Eric Hinkle that confirmed this very thing! The trailer even indicates they’re robots?

  • Lucky you, wish I had.

  • Gamera977

    Oh gee I’d just assumed they’d abducted the humans to experiment on them. Or else it was some sort of kinky thing based on how much humans resemble the Daleks before they mutated.

  • Ken_Begg

    I don’t think so, Secret Squirrel lead his won skein/program as I recall, like Magilla Gorilla. Arabian Knights, maybe?

  • Eric Hinkle

    Secret started out as his own thing but ended up on Banana Splits when it went into reruns. ‘Arabian Knights’ and ‘The Three Musketeers’ were original to the Splits.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Well, self-aware animatronics. So I guess ‘robots, but not using that word’.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I wonder what they’d do with ‘Arabian Knights’.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Somewhere in the Multiverse Davros is weeping in despair.

  • Wade Harrell

    And I gather that’s the case with Freddy’s too right? All I know about the game is what I’ve gleaned from the images on the t-shirts of every other 10 year old who comes through my store. Even the original concept is off marketing-wise. The average fan of that game seems to be way too young for an R rated movie.

  • Eric Hinkle

    My understanding is that the FNaF animatronics are possessed by the ghosts of murdered children out for revenge.

  • Wade Harrell

    This is all bringing back a lot of memories! It was such a mixed bag, I remember the live action bits like Danger Island, and I kind of remember Arabian Knights and the 3 Musketeers, and then there were the standerd HB goofy cartoons. I also remember one with characters from Tom Sawyer in adventures (possibly in other books like they left their own book and went into others??). In that one the 3 main characters (Tom, Huck, and Becky I think) were live action while the other characters and backgrounds were animated. In particular I remember one where they were trapped inside a whale. Possibly they were in Moby Dick?

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Similar thing with the Warners cartoon characters. Twenty years or so ago they were all showing up as scowling gangstas on t-shirts.

  • Rock Baker

    Warner Brothers more than most seems to be desperate to remain hip with each new generation. They seem to be unaware that this has actually hindered appreciation for their wares over the last few decades.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I believe the FNaF animatronics are possessed by the ghosts of murdered kids. I seem to recall that being said on Tv Tropes, at least.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I remember that one too! They kept running into Injun Joe every single adventure, or nearly. I seem to recall they were stuck inside the cave system from the Tom Sawyer novel, and it led into a Hollow Earth.

    I also remember them once meeting Hercules and Hades when Herc was catching Cerberus for one of hie Twelve Labors. One of the few cartoons that got Hades right; gloomy but honorable. When he realizes that the children don’t belong in his kingdom, not being dead, he sends them on their way. And they get a triple face slurp from Cerberus on the way.

  • Ken_Begg

    Yep, and they somehow lived in a world where all bad guys looked like Indian Joe.

  • Wade Harrell

    Yikes, that’s pretty dark for something very young kids are into! My wife taught 3rd grade for awhile and she said many of her students were into it.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I understand that the game(s) manage to balance being scary and tasteful.

  • Eric Hinkle

    It’s available in Redbox right now, and it’s barely worth the $2 rental.

  • joeybot

    Just saw this movie. It’s not great but to be honest, why not…nothing much else you could do with these characetrs. They were in a garbage show and even look creepy, there’s no need for them anymore, so why not turn them into slashers and call it a day with them.