Monster of the Day #1946

Amazon Prime has your old school schlock covered as well. This is Monster Maker, 1944, with J. Carrol Naish. Have I ever seen this? Maybe not. Just plug in Bela Lugosi Prime in the Prime search engine and see how many titles come up. A lot, if not quite all, of his Poverty Row stuff. And they’re mostly along an hour long. After I finish rewatching March Comes In Like a Lion I should really hit this harder. Also, the third season of Jessica Jones on Netflix. And the Marvel Netflix universe goes out quietly.

Have a good weekend.

  • Gamera977

    One I haven’t actually seen.

  • Gamera977

    ‘And don’t think I still can’t kick your beatnik *** ya young punk!!!’

  • Mike Weller

    Hummm…break action Iver Johnson revolver…
    Ya know doc, if you put the gun in your free hand, you could still, oh I don’t know…shoot him?

  • Ken_Begg

    Yeah, I haven’t really been keeping track of what posts when, so I’m sort of past keeping track. For the most part.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Has anyone else heard the ‘good’ news about the goofy old 60’s kiddie TV show ‘The Banana Splits’?

    SyFy made a movie about it. But they did change a few things. Apparently the ‘Splits are still around in the teens and still drawing hordes of kids to watch them. And oh yeah, they’re all crazy murderers in a R-rated gorefest.

    I am not making that up. Seriously. Go look for the trailers on YouTube and articles online. Why would they even make this film? What sort of an audience do they think they’re going to get? Only a few people even remember the Banana Splits and how many of them wanted to see the characters act like people from Hostel or Saw?

    I freely admit that I do not understand the thought processes of Hollywood.

  • Ken_Begg

    Ha, you beat me! I was planning to post that trailer tomorrow. Sometimes I see things like this and just wonder if this is real or if I’ve gone insane.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Please, please do so. That movie and its fellows is the reason why Jabootu exists.

    Just imagine if it does well and other old kiddie shows get ‘reimagined’. My Little Pony Wants To Drink Your BloodI