Monster of the Day #1945

Now i’m just picking random obscure monster movies on Amazon Prime, but that’s OK. Island Claws is hardly great, and to the regret of most, as with ’50s sci-fi cheapies we don’t get to see the monster until the end. But when we do…glorious giant physical prop! Yay! I apologize for the spoiler, but maybe it will get a couple of folks to check it out.

Kudos to whoever built this thing, Paul Blaisdell blesses you. (Speaking of, Attack of the Crab Monsters is on Prime too, so giant plaster crab double bill. Damn, that sounds good for this weekend.)

  • Gamera977

    No complaints here! Looks pretty cool, will have to check it out. Thanks for the tip, it gets too hard to pick out the actual good recent monster movies from all the Sci-Fi (or whatever it is now) original productions.

  • Gamera977

    Saw a pretty decent cheapee the other night. ‘Shadow Puppets’ 2006 on AsianCrush- which was kinda confusing since it was an American movie with white and black actors- no Asian connection at all.
    Anyway eight people wake up in an abandoned building with no memories of who they are. It’s pretty amazing what you can do with a creepy abandoned site and just flashing the lights on and off combined with some weird noises. As it goes the plot sorta makes sense but is a little batguano insane. Some really bad, and I mean bad CGI too. The beginning where the actors and the audience don’t know what’s going on it is the best part.
    The lead is a long-haired Jolene Blalock who spends half the movie running around in a tiny tank top and a pair of bikini briefs. Which definitely held my attention as a guy. And Tony Todd, just being Tony friggin’ Todd- aka awesome!!!

  • Ericb

    Damn, it’s posts like this that makes me regret being technologically stuck in 2005.

  • Rock Baker

    Not a great flick, but a neat one. A sort of 80’s throwback to 50’s thrillers, and the reveal of the giant crab is wonderful.

  • Marsden

    It’s as big as a battleship! Well, at least a destroyer.

  • Ken_Begg

    Yes! Eric, join me in being technologically stuck in 2008. It’s a grand future!

  • Eric Hinkle

    Look at th size of him — just think of the crab fry we’ll have!

  • Mike Weller

    “We need a tanker of drawn butter!”

  • The Rev.

    If it’s free on Prime I might finally watch it. I read about this many years ago, but the lack of crab turned me off. However, that prop is GLORIOUS and I want to see it in action.

  • Ericb

    “We’re gonna need a bigger nutcracker!”

  • Ken_Begg

    Luckily, the nuclear accident also spawned monstrous lemons.

  • Gamera977

    Watched this last night and well, not bad. Way too talkly in the beginning and the middle- well sorry ordinary sized crabs just don’t scare me. I guess if I were paralyzed and immobile they might be scary, then again rats would be scarer. The end with the giant crab was epic though. I guess I was expecting some horrible blue-screen projection but they did a great job working around the shortcoming of the largly immobile prop. Love Robert Lansing in about anything he does, and the roaring, growling crabs made me laugh.