Monster of the Day #1943

Amazon Prime has a lot of junk now, so in a minor way it can be like roving the shelves of a big video store back in the day, seeing a video box and saying, “What is this?” As we all know, these usually aren’t hidden gems, but hey, it’s something you’ve never even heard of. I guess the modern equivalent is buying those 100 movie sets from Mills Creek and getting at least a handful of real obscurities.

Anyway, this is Devil’s Express, a blaxploitation kung fu movie with awkward fights with lots of Three Stooges sound effects. There’s also a Chinese demon running in the subways where they can keep it in the dark and barely seen. In the end, per tradition, the monster is finally (sort of) revealed and turns out to be kind of similar to the Galaxy Invader. Anyway, Amazon Prime proudly offer both the movies of Warhawk Tanzania, if that’s your bag.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Kind of looks a bit like DC’s Swamp Thing as well.

  • Gamera977

    I’ve got a couple of bucks stowed away in the rainy day fund from Amazon’s ‘ship whenever option’ that I suppose I should use.

  • Scopi314

    The best part of the movie is that you can see Mr. Tanzania reading cue cards in some scenes. Also, Brother Theodore is in one scene. I don’t think they hired him, I think he just happened to be on the street when they were filming.