Monster of the Day #1926

The penultimate film at the Fest was the second Blind Dead movie. This four film series is interesting in that each film is discrete unto itself and rewrites the ‘rules’ of the Dead. So you never know where things are going to go from movie to movie. And the Blind Dead are a pretty great creation. Hard to believe the director behind the highly atmospheric films is the same guy who made the admittedly hilarious The Sea Serpent.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    One of the prerequisites of being a member of the Blind Dead: you MUST have buck teeth.

  • NathanShumate

    I definitely think the second is the best of the four; the third one was atrocious, and while the fourth was a step up, it was getting to be same-old same-old.

  • It’s been too long since I’ve seen the first two. For some reason I lean the first over the second, myself. The other two I haven’t seen and can’t say, but those original two were well worth seeing.

  • Rock Baker

    I’ve heard tell that the fourth film is the strongest due to it’s change in setting. Oddly, it’s the only one of the lot I’ve actually seen. I need to see it again, but I seem to recall it had it’s moments.

  • Ken_Begg

    I actually kind of like the third one, but I really like ship settings. (Its available on Amazon Prime, by the way.) The film has a real William Hope Hodgson feel. It also reminds of the scary, atmospheric early part of Matango.

  • The Rev.

    The fourth is the only one I haven’t seen yet. I like the other three in the order I’ve seen them, though: the original is my favorite (love the inescapable creeping doom feeling it has throughout), then the second one (which is also pretty strong), and for some reason I just really couldn’t get into the third one (I may have to rewatch it).

  • NathanShumate

    …which I also thought was irredeemably silly. :)

  • Ken_Begg

    It gets pretty silly on the island, but the stuff on the ‘haunted’ boat is pretty great.

  • Eric Hinkle

    A William Hope Hodgson feel? I am suddenly interested in this. What’s the title of this third movie?

  • The Rev.

    You should be able to find it under The Ghost Galleon. It’s from 1974. I’ve seen it under Horror of the Zombies, as well. Apparently it’s also been titled Blind Dead 3 and Ship of Zombies at various points.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Thanks! And wow that movie has enough titles.

  • Ken_Begg

    Yeah, aside from being a Euro flick, as you probably know distributors changed the titles of drive-in movies all the time so they could keep re-releasing them.

    Ghost Galleon is on Amazon for free if you have Prime.