Monster of the Day #1925

After shorts and the quiz (a very good TV & movies spaceship test by Chad R., the first one I ever won, albeit by only one point) and dinner, we returned and started up Lake of Dracula. This was the first of three Toho vampire movies clearly inspired by Hammer’s films. Although rare, all three are now available for streaming on Amazon Prime, so we thought we’d get one of the out there.

  • zombiewhacker

    So how’d you like it?

  • Ken_Begg

    It’s fun. It’s not great, but Japan doesn’t have a tradition of Euro-style vampires, so they play around with the idea a bit. Obviously crosses don’t work, for instance. I need to sit down and watch the other two, the second of which also features their Dracula, the third of which doesn’t.

  • Paul Russel

    I haven’t seen this one yet! Hey, you ever been to B-Fest? I knew a guy with your name that used to go every year.