Monster of the Day #1907

Man, that’s pretty. I think I get what audience they were going for as well, although I don’t speak Italian so the film’s title in impenetrable to me.

Saw Captain Marvel last night, mostly because I knew it would tie into the upcoming Avengers film. It was fine, if kind of bland. I have to admit, I am old school enough that I really disliked one major plot twist (which I saw coming a mile away, because it was such an obvious “twist,” kind of like when you’re watching Law & Order and it turns out the rich businessman was the actual criminal). Spider-Man looks good, though, and hopefully Endgame is a good send-off to the old crew.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I think the title translates to “My New Furniture.”

  • Gamera977

    Oh wow, no way this movie can live up to the poster!!!

  • As it looks like it was directed by Jean Rollin, not only is that likely, it’s also most likely much worse than you fear.

    Zombie Lake scarred me. Scarred me bad.

  • Gamera977

    But, but scantly-clad women!!!

  • Didn’t help in the slightest. When you’re sitting there thinking “Man, I could be watching Oasis of the Zombies right now” you know you’re hurting.

  • Flangepart

    I’m thinkin’ lesbian porn for the most part. The blood suckin’ is still metaphor though.

  • Ken_Begg

    And that’s probably his most entertaining film.

  • That’s sad. So very sad.