Monster of the Day #1903

If I’ve learned one thing from looking at Thai horror movie posters, it’s that Thailand audiences love crocodiles.

As mentioned before, this will be a short week of posts unless I find the time to pre-set some. And the spring T-Fest is next week! Wheee!

  • Beckoning Chasm

    “Larry Ludman”? Oh, those wacky Italians with their anglicized names! (I’m assuming.) Also, I should mention again than b-movie legend Larry Cohen passed away a couple of days ago.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Why do so any killer croc/gator movies have at least one scene of a screaming lovely getting gulped down by said giant reptile?

  • BGBear_rnh

    Riz Ortalani soundtrack. I can hear the well written, but oddly inappropriate music now.

  • BGBear_rnh

    Noticed the English poster had a guy being munched.

  • BGBear_rnh

    Looks like the various international poster went back and forth on guy or gal and if gal how little clothes the gator had to spit out after his meal.

  • Rock Baker

    Van Johnson in a killer croc movie??? How’d I miss that one?

  • BGBear_rnh

    Unfortunately his plan was to use his flute playing to attract the gator and drive him to the river and drown him.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Wow, Joe Pilato also RIP.

  • Flangepart

    Gators love human: It’s the other red meat…or grey? Wait, what meat color are we, anyhoo?

  • Gamera977

    ‘Kon Tiki my scaly butt!!! I’ll show you the CROC TIKI!!!’