Monster of the Day #1900

Sorry about yesterday, I couldn’t get my Internet to work. Meanwhile….

If I’ve learned one thing for looking at Thai horror movie posters, it’s that Thailand audiences love crocodiles.

  • BGBear_rnh

    Who doesn’t?

  • Gamera977

    Well, I like alligators better…

    I was on a bus tour of the Cape Canaveral Space Center in Florida years ago when we had to stop due to a five foot gator lying in the middle of the road. The bus driver calmly got out, grabbed it by the tail and drug it out of the way.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Man, what a poster! Looks like that one lovely is about to go down Kaiju-Crocodile’s throat alive, kicking, and screaming!

  • Eric Hinkle


    When I was a kid my family went down to see the Kennedy Space Center. We were by this fence separating us from a small section of swamp. Looking in it I saw this small turtle swimming around very fast. Just as I wondered how he could do this he rose even further out of the water — and revealed that the turtle was sitting on a gator’s head, right behind the eyes. It was a delight to see that poor confused gator swimming around looking for that turtle! Then my mother saw it and dragged me away like the gator was about do what we see in the poster above.

    Oh if only I’d had a camera.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Thai audiences love crocodiles, and apparently the crocs love Thais. For an appetizer.

  • Gamera977

    Lol, while on gator/croc stories on my copy of ‘Death Curse of Tartu’ had a commentary with the director. There’s a scene where the actress has an arm buried in the sand with a fake arm strapped to her ending in a gator’s mouth. The actress didn’t want to get that close to the gator. So the director pointed out it’s jaws were wired shut and after yelling at her without success he decided he’d lie down beside the gator himself to show how safe it was. So then the gator turned around and starts whaling on him with it’s tail. He said it felt like someone was beating him with a two by four. So they changed the scene….

  • BGBear_rnh

    agree, alligators are the best.

  • BGBear_rnh

    The spandex wrapper is bad for crocodiles.

  • Rock Baker

    This is the only movie I can think of where the same two characters get eaten in two different scenes!

  • BGBear_rnh

    You know what they say about Thai food.

  • Flangepart

    Spandex in the poop is how you know they eat people.

  • Flangepart

    It’s not Chinese but it’s just as good?

  • Eric Hinkle

    You’ve seen this masterpiece? Where did you find it?

  • Eric Hinkle

    Alligator: “So! Cut MY screen time, will you? Take this, you incompetent hack! And this, and this!”

  • Now that giant critter looks nice. I wonder if he’ll be my friend?

  • Rock Baker

    CROCODILE was issued on VHS back in the 80’s, and it became something of a rental staple. More recently it was issued on DVD, but I heard that the print has sprocket damage and the image jitters. My current copy was secured from a collector. It’s scope but has European subtitles.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Thanks for the title. Does seem a bit on the nose though if the movie’s as good as the poster art much can be forgiven.

  • thunderclancat

    “Where’s my SAG card, punk?”

  • Rock Baker

    Well, it delivers a giant crocodile, it can’t be said to lie on that account. Get ready for one of most berserk and gooftacular movies you’ve ever seen. We’re talking GOLIATHON territory here!

  • Eric Hinkle

    I’ll check YouTube for it. I may have to look for ‘Goliathon’ too, as I never even heard of that one before.

    And talking killer croc movies from the time before CGI — do you or anyone else here remember one that had a scene in it of, I think, African natives with bows and arrows mass shooting tourists as they flee from a hungry giant croc? I know I saw it but I can’t remember the film any better than the one about Los Penitentes I once saw.

  • Rock Baker

    That’s a new one on me. (GOLIATHON you might have heard of under it’s alternate title of THE MIGHTY PEKING MAN.)

  • Eric Hinkle

    Okay, that title I have heard of.

  • The Rev.

    That sounds like The Great Alligator, which has a whole “is the gator natural or the natives’ angry god?” thing going on and features just such a scene with gator and natives tearing into a bunch of white tourists. Alas, aside from that climax (which has a gigantic body count), it’s fairly lackluster. That scene is probably worth it, though.

  • Eric Hinkle

    That sounds like it, yeah. Thanks.

    I remmeber it ending with the gator getting killed and the natives cheering for some white guy.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Better than that — just jump in his mouth and he’ll give you a tour of his digestive tract. Friendly and educational.