Monster of the Day #1893

Last week we were running some pretty great Gold Key covers for their Stark Trek comic. The painted covers were wonderful (a Gold Key trademark), but they didn’t really capture the spirit of Star Trek that well. However, they inspired a thought: If Gold Key got a Star Trek license, did they also get a Lost in Space license? Well, they did. And unsurprisingly, unlike Star Trek, the Gold Key comics for show (or at least the covers) look quite a bit better than the actual program.

There are a lot of great covers here, so this will probably run into next week.

We might as well get the obvious joke fodder out of the way today, so let’s start here.

  • Scopi314

    Oh c’mon, the people you made the cover knew the joke they were making. I mean, a “Golick” on “Uranus”?

  • Beckoning Chasm

    OT, but Tommy Wiseau has a new film in the works. It’s called “Big Shark.” It’s about a big shark.

  • Ericb

    I hope he doesn’t go meta and actually try to make a film so bad that it’s funny. That would probably be truly painful.

  • And not funny.

  • zombiewhacker

    I’m reserving all judgement until I see some covers featuring Dr. Smith and the Robot.

  • Eric Hinkle

    They MUST have been thinking of the obvious joke when the artist made this cover.

  • BGBear_rnh learntocode

    When are they going to change the name of that planet?

  • The Rev.

    The trailer I watched for it this past weekend kind of has me up in the air. It starts fairly serious, but when the shark shows up it seems funnier. Of course, the CGI shark is so bad that I could just have been amused by that. Obviously it’s not much to go on, but I didn’t get a “we’re in on the joke” vibe from the bit I saw.

  • Flangepart

    Times like this…a laser pistol would come in handy…or a light sabre…

  • BGBear_rnh learntocode

    A 9 volt battery should do the trick.

  • Gamera977

    I wonder if the whole thing was some scheme of Dr. Smith to lure the Golick in so he can kill it with some crazy plan and make him a new pair of boots.

  • If they’re on a known planet in our solar system, how are they “lost in space”?

  • BGBear_rnh learntocode

    It is the menace from Uranus, not on Uranus.

    Now I must stop giggling like Beavis.

  • Gamera977

    U-RAN-us…. ;)

  • Rodford Smith

    Early issues had them wandering around the Solar System, discovering inhabited asteroids and moons and even entire previously unknown planets. Later the writers changed things so that they had an unpredictable jump drive. This even took them back to Earth, but in the past.