Monster of the Day #1844

The was only the duo’s fourth film, made during their early box office peak. While they also made a few very fun comic murder mysteries (A&C Meet the Killer Boris Karloff and 1942’s Who Done It?), it was in 1948 when their screen career was skidding that they made, of course, A&C Meet Frankenstein, which breathed life back into two of Universal’s most popular brands, at least for a while.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I have to admit I love the idea of Richard Carlson, the movies’ eminent scientist-explainer, tootling on a clarinet.

  • KeithB

    Yes, the nightclub scenes have little to do with the rest of the picture.

  • Ericb

    OT: R.I.P. Stan Lee. I’m glad he lived long enough to see quality versions of his creations on the big screen.

  • Rock Baker

    Actually, disregarding ONE NIGHT IN THE TROPICS, this was the second Abbott and Costello comedy. It’s release was held back to third position when BUCK PRIVATES was such a smash that Universal demanded another service comedy. So IN THE NAVY was rushed into second position. RIDE ‘EM COWBOY was intended to be the third film, but Universal was hot to cash in on the popularity of the service comedies so “KEEP ‘EM FLYING” became the fourth A&C release. Amazingly, all these films were cranked out and released in 1941!

  • BGBear_rnh w/oofferinganyproof

    Nice to see Jabootu back.

  • Eric Hinkle

    This was a fun movie, I love Bud & Lou’s horror comedies. SAnd it’s great to see Jabootu back; any idea what happened?

    Also, RIP Stan Lee.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Well, that was a week. Glad to see you back.

  • Gamera977

    Yeah, great to see the site back up! Was this those pesky Russian hackers again???

  • Eric Hinkle

    They’re just mad he dissed that Tarkan movie. Or was that a Turkish film?

  • Gamera977

    Turkish I believe, Turkish hackers are even worse. They hack with swords instead of computers!

    On a Korean War documentary I saw years ago they talked about since the American/British/UN troops were trained more in rifle combat than hand-to-hand the Chinese would wait until night or bad weather and slip into Allied foxholes to attack with knives. One night they tried this and ended up in foxholes with Turkish troops- when the Chinese pulled out knives the Turks pulled out swords!!! Seems after this the Chinese were a lot more careful about who they tried to ambush!