Monster of the Day #1841

At least she doesn’t have haunts in her pants.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I always wondered why people with nicknames use both their full name and the nickname in the marquee. Why not just be billed as “Buddy” Rogers? Or Charles Rogers, with the understanding that everyone called you “Buddy”?

    I mean, everyone called Jimmy Stewart “Jimmy Stewart,” but he was always “James Stewart” on the poster.

  • KeithB

    Could that be a SAG thing? Could there be another Charles Rogers?

    At least it is not Lupe “Mexican Spitfire” Velez!

  • zombiewhacker

    Wasn’t Lupe Vélez a brunette? Why does the poster depict her as a blonde?

  • BGBear_rnh w/oofferinganyproof

    Buddy went to pieces.

  • BGBear_rnh w/oofferinganyproof

    A wig. All that fire spitting can lead to accidents.