Monster of the Day 1821

Since this is a short week (I’ll be leaving in a few days for this year’s T-Fest in Dallas–see you there!), we’ll stick with last week’s theme. Enjoy!

  • bgbear_rnh

    The guy on left looks like Emperor Guillotine with less detail.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    The guy on the right looks like The Creeping Terror, made with a somewhat larger budget.

  • “No, you may NOT cut in!” (kicks interloper in nards)

  • The Rev.

    The two kaiju facing off with Ultraman Ace are, on the left, Alien Metron, Jr., and on the right, Doragory. Metron Jr. tried to destroy the Earth after his father was obliterated by Ultraseven. Doragory, who’s supposed to be a moth monster (!), just happened to be wandering around and, when Metron Jr. used his appearance to attack TAC HQ, decided to join in with him against Ace because that’s how monsters generally roll.

    Doragory has a surprising amount of various ranged attacks, which makes me wonder if it was an inspiration for the Heisei Mothra trilogy, where the new Mothra seems to pull lasers and bolts and such out of its ass at will.