Monster of the Day #1818

Always remember to stretch before your big fight.

  • KeithB

    Rule #1: Cardio!

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Okay, I can see yesterday’s beast as an iguana, and the day before was an anglerfish. What the hell is today’s offering supposed to be? Looks like a Christmas tree and a dragonfly collided with a traffic signal.

  • The Rev.

    Well, Snowgiran here was an ice monster, so that may have informed the design. I mean, this episode also has the Father of Ultra disguised as Santa Claus at one point. He was also a tought enough opponent that Father had to revive Ultraman Ace after their first encounter.

    I don’t know why, but Ultraman Ace is the series I’ve most been wanting to see, along with Taro (that one’s explained by introducing Tyrant, one of my favorite monsters). Could just be the design of Ace, which is probably my second favorite after Ultra Seven, because how do you beat a metallic mohawk that you can throw at things to slice them up? Still, I’m thankful Shout! has Leo, and I’ve also recently discovered another Roku channel (I want to say Mubi?) has Ultraman 80, which has the distinction of a rare female Ultra, Yullian, appearing in several episodes.

  • bgbear_rnh

    Now I am thinking he should be singing the Snow Miser song.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I just went looking for Miss Yullian, and my but she shows up in some impractical poses.

  • “Wow Mr. Ultraman, you really can raise your leg really high!”