Monster of the Day #1817

Not really getting the whole “take out food” idea.

  • Gamera977

    Hmmm, I was thinking, ‘give the dog a Frisbee!’

  • bgbear_rnh

    Jiffy Pop!

  • KeithB

    Looks like the restaurant at LAX.

  • The Rev.

    This one is Zaragas, an original “Ultraman” monster. He gave the Science Patrol a hell of a time with his adaptability; every time they attacked him, he became more powerful. Naturally, Ultraman’s Specium Ray was more than he could handle. Like a lot of Ultraman’s opponents, he didn’t return until “Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legend The Movie,” and has since popped up in a couple of the more recent series.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Thanks for telling us who he was.

    Talking tokusatsu, have you ever heard of a series/character called ‘The Golden Bat’?

  • The Rev.

    You’re welcome.

    Yes, I’m aware of Golden Bat. Most of what I know about him comes from one of Scott Foy’s podcasts regarding a movie they made in 1966 with the character that sounds like the sort of delightfully batshit Japanese movie that is right up my alley; and subsequent research into his origins in the manga world, starting way back in the 1930s. I definitely want to see that movie.