Monster of the Day #1768

RIP to Friday the 13th the Game, which will remain around awhile (and even do bug fixes and stuff). However, because of a lawsuit as to who owns what parts of the franchise, they can no longer add any new content to the game–even a rock or tree, they’ve said–and so the game will eventually become moribund and die. I’ll still enjoy the occasional play video on YouTube, though.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    That’s some nice graphics, though the expression on the victim looks kind of disappointed rather than, you know, “Owwie owwie owwie!”

  • Gamera977

    Gee friggin’ whiz, so Star Trek isn’t the only franchise affected by this legal insanity of being owned by different groups? Apparently on Discovery (which I will admit I’ve never seen since I won’t pay for CBS’ streaming service to watch one show) the ‘Klingons’ look like orcs since the rights to use the appearance and history of them belongs to a different division of the parent company.

    I don’t remember if you’d played the game or not Ken?

  • Gamera977

    ‘Ohhhhhhh, I really wanted you to kill me by machete….’

  • As downbeat an ending as this is, Friday the 13th really can’t be looked at as anything but a success. It went from an anonymous Kickstarter slasher game to what might well be one of the best movie-to-game adaptations out there. Really not a bad run.

  • Ericb

    II caught some of Discovery when the showed the pilot on broadcast tv (didn’t bother watching the whole thing though) and those new look Klingons are terrible. The actors can’t really make facial expressions and since they speak Klingon with subtitles (oooooh how gritty and “realistic”) the Klingon scenes are a slog to sit through.

  • SteveWD

    A video game to me that’s more fun to watch than play, mostly because I suck at it. I’ve tried, but I enjoy watching my son play a lot more because he’s actually good. He can’t beat me on Pinball Arcade though.

  • Ken_Begg

    No, I’ve never played, I don’t think my computer would be up to it. However, I’ve watched well over 200 hours of gaming videos of it, so I’m pretty conversant with how one would play.

  • Ken_Begg

    Exactly. There were a lot of ongoing bug issues (one thing fixed, and another would pop up), but the game was very popular for a good while and really the end of it was beyond Gun Media’s control. Hopefully they can ride the wave of that success and keep going.

  • Gamera977

    Thanks Ken, just wondering. I don’t play a lot of competitive online games simply because I’m just not that good at them.

  • zombiewhacker

    When I first saw today’s pic, I thought it was a screenshot from a previous F13 movie. Dang, video game graphics have gotten so much better than when I was a kid!

  • Eric Hinkle

    OT but I remember once thinking that ‘Friday the 13th’ was among the dumbest horror flicks I ever saw. I just recently saw ‘The Purge’, and it is such a monument to idiocy that I now consider FriT13th to be Oscar-worthy in comparison.