Monster of the Day #1764

This cover seems more like one of Marvel’s sci-fi giant monster comics than a horror title. I do like the mod dress, though.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I keep looking at the hand’s middle finger, and imagining a conversation about why it has to be redrawn. “Look, bend the top knuckle down, or something. Otherwise it looks like we’re flipping people off.”

  • Gamera977

    Oh great, now it’s ninja Cthulhu…

  • Kirk

    The Kraken has a cowlick?

  • Beckoning Chasm

    Well, damn. Just saw that Steve Ditko died.

  • Eric Hinkle

    If this story is based at all on the Bob Howard story of the same title, boy did they change that monster around.

    Speaking of which, these two people are the most unobservant monster victims I’ve ever seen.