Mr. Reaper looks ready to take half off, but she seems to be already there.
“Spicy’ mystery’…are Habaneros involved?
I just noticed that is some type of pantsuit or maybe pajamas.
Eric Hinkle
The ‘Spicy’ mags were the ‘hot stuff’, which means that you had villains pawing the ‘shapely white breasts’ of the poor gal on the cover. And it was implied now and then that the hero and his girl were going to make love after the story ended. That aside they were very chaste.
Rodford Smith
Interesting how the base of the blade hides her nipple.
Best part of the cover is the guy with the tie. He came into the room with a rod planning to help, but on seeing what was going down with the dam dropped it quick. What comes next is a quick fade to parts unknown and less undead. The little wave he gives the two right there really sells the whole thing.