Monster of the Day #1738

Chances are the contents weren’t topnotch, but man, you gotta like covers like this.

Welcome back to the workaday world, everyone. Sigh.

  • Ericb

    For me that is the most frightening size for a spider. A really giant spider will either crush you or impale you with its fangs so you would die fairly quickly. This size of spider will inject you with its digestive juices which would make for a much longer and more gruesome type of death.

  • Ericb

    Though the artist does need a lesson in spider anatomy. Spiders have two body segments not three.

  • bgbear_rnh

    I can bear creepy and crawly, but keep cranky to yourself Mister Monster. No one likes a grumpy pants.

  • And now I will never sleep again.

  • zombiewhacker

    FOUR colors, wow, count ’em! Modern Comics, indeed!

    Er… or am I misreading that?

  • Suddenly, I just noticed the arachnid climbing through the “window” when there’s absolutely *nothing* on the left side of the hut/shelter/whatever.

  • Eric Hinkle

    “Well honey, the experimental treatment derived from spider venom cured my malaria. But there are a few side effects.”

    “Yes, it turned me pale green. Don’t stare, I know I’m hideous now!”

  • Marsden

    I like the guy in the rectangle, he looks like a cross between Wolverine and Count from Sesame Street.

    or is that racist?

  • Marsden

    I like the guy in the rectangle on the left, he looks like a cross between Wolverine and Count from Sesame Street.

    or is that racist?