Monster of the Day #1734

Space Louis Armstrong!

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I’m wondering what that big circular thing is supposed to be. A planet? A door?

  • Gamera977

    I have no idea. The whole thing confuses the hell outta me. What is astronaut Armstrong (Louis not Neil!) looking at and why is he laughing? Is the octo-spider helping purple guy to his feet or going to roll him over and nab his wallet?

  • maggie smith

    Armstrong is probably singing “I’ll be glad when you’re dead, you rascal you.”

  • Gamera977

    Ken, I’ve been reading though some copies of ‘Weird Tales’ I’ve found online and some of the covers are doozies. Is there some way you could get me your email address or I could put them on the forum if you want them?

  • bgbear_rnh

    Louis looks like it is a clip from some other illustration and it was touched up around the collar and to make a revolver look like a ray gun.

  • Ericb

    “And I think to myself, what a wonderful world”

  • Rock Baker

    With his sidekick, Space Claude Akins!

  • bgbear_rnh

    Denture wearer.

  • Flangepart

    How does the alien see what he’s doing…eyes on the underside? Make getting a comfortable ‘sit down’ a pain.

  • bgbear_rnh

    So of the three here, who is the “peace maker” or does it refer to the weapon ? ;-)

  • Eric Hinkle

    OT but hs anyone heard how in the new “Solo” movie Lando Calrissian will be ‘pansexual’? But no worries, because it had nothing to do with the story and will ever show up in the movie. Which kind of leaves me wondering why they’re doing it then.

    Also, a new ‘Thundercats’ cartoon will be coming out, and the creator has openly boasted on his Twitter that he “hated” the original and this is his way of mocking everyone who enjoyed it. Not that I care as I won’t be watching, but whence came this idea of handing properties with established fan bases over to people who loathe them and their fans? And why?

  • Eric Hinkle

    Looks like a medallion of some sort.

  • Gamera977

    Apparently Lando flirts with Han and the robot in the story. Which I’d normally dismiss as just playful banter until this came out. And it seems Han and Chewie have a shower scene!?!

    I was sitting on the fence on this one until the whole ‘pansexual’ thing came up, now I have no desire to see this and frankly pretty much nor any other SW movie ever again.

  • maggie smith

    Lets hope its some kind of sonic shower, because Chewie would take hours to dry.

  • bgbear_rnh

    Some of the Thundercats want to transition to Thunderdogs.

  • Gamera977

    Or they have a car wash style blow dryer.

    I can’t imagine getting all that Wookie hair out of the drain.

  • Rock Baker

    It may just be pre-release talk to generate some hype. Like how they said Sulu was riding side saddle in the last Star Trek movie. In the movie itself, he seems to be just visiting his brother.

  • Flangepart

    What blow drier would they use, a jet engine?

  • Marsden

    “This is indeed a disturbing universe.”

  • Eric Hinkle

    I’ve heard that he does flirt with both Han and a droid in the movie, if subtly.

  • Eric Hinkle

    OT but talking obscure and hard-to-find movies, ‘Animalympics’ has been released on DVD and can be found on Amazon for $15. If anyone here even knows what I’m talking about.