Monster of the Day #1718

No wonder I don’t like movies as much anymore. Look at that!

However, speaking of sea beasts, they *finally* dropped the trailer for “The Meg,” (I guess they added the ‘the’ so that people wouldn’t think it was about a girl). The first half is a little solemn for a flick starring Jason Statham, not to mention the now obligatory Chinese actress to appeal to China, supposedly. However, if the film is tonally more like the second half of the trailer, I think it will do quite well.

I remember the source novel about to become a “major motion picture” back when the Tristar Godzilla was in production (and again when Peter Jackson was working on his Kong film). Then Deanzilla underperformed, and the Meg movie quietly went away. So that has been 20 plus years this has been in development hell. Anyway, the trailer’s on YouTube, check it out.

  • Gamera977

    I am embarrassed to admit I still haven’t seen this film…

    However I am excited by this news about ‘The Meg’. I don’t think it’s possible for a movie to spend this much time in development hell without selling it’s soul to Jabootu…

    Plus I hope the Chinese actress gets a scene where she uses her martial arts skills to fight the giant shark.

    And speaking of ‘jumping the shark’ Sunday I found out a reboot of ‘Magnum P.I.’ is in development… With T.C. turned into a woman. Just another reason for me to hope all of friggin’ Hollywood goes bankrupt……

  • bgbear_rnh

    You would think Higgins would be more likely to get the sex change. I guess if TC is a Black woman you kill two birds with one stone. I hate when they do that.

  • bgbear_rnh

    It is weird when I would rather watch an Italian horror film from the 70s than some modern Hollywood film.

  • Gamera977

    Gotta agree with you wholeheartedly on that. I think I said before most of the movies I’ve been watching lately have been Korean, Chinese, and independent.

  • The Rev.

    Don’t be embarrassed; I just saw it last year, and only because B-Movie TV played it. (Whenever I look at the DVD, it’s always more than I want to pay.) Honestly, it’s not great; the story drags a lot when there aren’t monsters doing monster things. However, the monster stuff is pretty terrific. Gezora is too damn adorable; I’m sure Lyzzy would squeal over it for minutes on end.

    As far as the Chinese actress, wasn’t the love interest in the book Chinese as well? Or was she Japanese? Admittedly it was years ago that I read it. Hold on, there’s this thing called the Internet that might be able to answer this…

    “Terry Tanaka.” Japanese it is. Honestly, I’m less sanguine about Statham as the main character. That seems an odd choice to me, but admittedly I’ve only seen a couple of movies with him in them.

    Oh, well, I’ll still go see the movie, mostly in the hopes of them doing well enough to film the third novel, which was written like a script for Siffy* and was my favorite of the three I’ve read. Of course, they’ll probably want to film the second book before that, and that was such a pile of shit that it could very well kill the franchise unless they rewrite the hell out of it.

    *I mean that in a good way, like Megapirahna.

  • zombiewhacker

    Thank you for this one, Ken. I wish TV today played more Kaiju films like they used to do in the old, old days. Now TV simply has no time for them anymore. Darn you, cursed infomercials!

  • Eric Hinkle

    Svengoolie and Comet TV still show them now and then. But yeah, TV needs to air more kaiju classics.

  • Eric Hinkle

    For some reason I’m always amused to realize that technically Gezora here is walking upside down. The tentacles are the ‘lower half’ of a cuttlefish, right? Whatever, fun monsters in this movie.

  • zombiewhacker

    To Rev’s first point:

    Yeah, Space Amoeba (or whatever it was originally called) isn’t what I’d call a great movie. In fact, it’s darker in tone and less fun than most Kaiju films up to that time.

    But maybe that was the whole point: it was trying to do something different rather than simply being another trapped-on-monster-island retread.

    It’s worth checking out once, at least.

  • The Rev.

    Oh, I agree it’s worth seeing. I actually didn’t mind the tonal difference; it was just that not much happens, really, unless the monsters are rampaging. There are worse monster movies than Yog that I still think are worth at least one viewing. Offhand, I can only think of two I would recommend no one ever watch.

  • The Rev.

    Kameba isn’t the most exciting visually, but is still good. Gezora is just a delight, and Ganime is legit one of my favorite creations. I think because of how they’re articulated in real life, insects, crustaceans, and arachnids come off really well as giant monster puppets. Ganime, the Kamakiras, Kumonga — all really great monsters. Even Ebirah works better than a giant shrimp really should.

    Well, a giant shrimp that’s not a mantis shrimp, anyway. That would be terrifying. Imagine the damage it could cause to a city with its snap attack!

  • Flangepart

    I miss the local TV/horror host shows…informercials…they be cheap, and that’s it.