Monster of the Day #1706

I wonder what William Castle would have thought of these “remakes”? I’m sure he would have been honored to have a production company named after him. However, Castle’s films are pretty staid, and these films were full of gore and nudity. Corman wouldn’t have minded, obviously, but I doubt Castle would have liked them much.

  • Mr. Rational

    Well, Castle’s films had a huckster-ish charm about them that newer b-movies just can’t match. A shame, really…

  • bgbear_rnh

    If Castle had nudity in his films he would have come up with a cool marketing name for it like “Disrobo”.

  • Which B-Master was it who said that Castle’s sole purpose was to scare the crap out of kids at the Saturday afternoon matinee? Castle wouldn’t want gore and nudity….

  • bgbear_rnh

    I think so too, but you wonder how the meetings went when they decided a pool of acid or a bathtub full of blood were OK, but no more.

  • Flangepart

    Welcome back Ken! Stay healthy…or become healthy…like I should talk…
    E-yeah…gore doth not amuse me. The ugly of real life, when well mimicked…no, I don’t feel the need.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    No idea what this movie is supposed to be, let alone a William Castle remake–did you know his book is available for Kindle?–but as Eric Stratton once nearly said, “Damn glad to see you, Ken, again.”

  • Ooh, thanks for mentioning that, now I have something to read this weekend!

  • Eric Hinkle

    This is the remake of “Thirteen Ghosts”, and the above ghost is the Angry Princess (not her real name, but the role she was meant to play in some big ritual in the movie).

  • Eric Hinkle

    Good to have you back, Mister Begg.