I hope everyone had a great weekend. T-Fest is a week from next Saturday, so I’ll see some of you in Houston/Dallas in less than two weeks.
Mike Ploog was, except for Gene Colan, probably Marvel’s big horror artist. He was sort of their Bernie Wrightson, I guess. Ploog worked on Werewolf By Night and the earliest Ghost Rider books, although tragically he never got to draw a team-up with the two. (There was a one-off “Legion of Monsters” in one of the anthology books–Marvel Premiere, maybe?–featuring GR, Werewolf by Night, Morbius the Living Vampire and Man-Thing. It wasn’t very good, and it was drawn by Frank Robbins, who has never been a favorite of mine. Man, if Ploog drew that it would have been great. Except for the story.)