I find the One Eyed Thing in the background deeply interesting, as I used to draw a character like that when I was in Junior High. A little smaller, furry, and with two eyes, but basically a head on legs.
Eric Hinkle
Is that a transgender Kabandha* in the background? How I wish some of these comics could be found in translation.
* — Look for it on wikipedia, it’s a real Hindu myth thing!
The more I look at the red cyclops the more I’m convinced it may be the Indian version of Mister Kool-Aid.
The Rev.
No, that’s the cutting edge. Apparently he decided to flip the sword post-swing. For reasons.
Is that a loincloth or a beard ?
A bicyclops.
Rock Baker
The green guy seems delighted to have his head chopped off!
If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine
I was thinking grass hula skirt.
Eric Hinkle
This being a Hindu mythology-influenced comic, that’s probably because after his head hits the ground it sprouts a new body and the old body sprouts a new head.
You don’t wanna run that guy through a meat grinder.
It took me several times looking to notice the blue guy with the sword has wings.