This one’s fairly interesting. The woman in question is clearly only acting shocked. Combined that with no glass in the “ship’s” cockpit, and the situation becomes obvious. What we have here is a movie set. The red alien is the director, giving instructions to his (?) leading lady. No doubt its a re-enactment of some sort of murder.
The man on the floor playing the corpse is really dead. He was a Method actor and really got into his part.
(Love the cord on the gun, by the by. Well thought out design, that.)
The method actor quip reminds me of a story Forry Ackerman told at a con I attended years ago. He complained about ‘dead’ people in B-movies where you could see them twitch or move a little while ‘deceased’. So playing a walk-on role where he was mauled and ‘killed’ by the monster he decided he would make sure he was completely still and lifeless. So he’s lying there, eyes shut and ‘dead’ for five, then ten minutes. And he’s wondering ‘when does this scene end?’ but doesn’t want to open his eyes and potentially ruin a shot. So finally one of the guys comes over yelling and shaking him: ‘Forry, are you alright!?!’. Turns out the director neglected to yell ‘cut’ and everyone left for another set leaving Forry lying there on the ground for fifteen-twenty minutes or so.
At least she’s wearing her protective gloves in the lab there.
Beckoning Chasm
The Big Book of Science FIction. Book. With a K.
The captain added the cord to the pen because people kept walking off with the gun and not putting it back where it belonged.
I never understood why a little twitch or breath from a “dead” person in a film was considered an error. A person or animal can be dead for intents and purposes and still a a little life in them for a long time.
I think the gun is plugged into the ship’s USB port, charging. She is thinking to herself “I knew I should have charged it last night!”
Worked for Mr. Spock in Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan.
If you ever wondered what Sarah Jane Smith would look like as a barely clothed blond.
The ever popular metal bra. Popular with whom I’ve never figgered out…can’t be comfortable unless it’s got a thick felt liner (No pun intended) or a heating/cooling unit.
Rock Baker
Yeah, I’ve often wondered what exactly was supposed to be the thinking behind such a metal covering, since it sounds positively painful unless the temperature of the room is set just right.
Fur bikinis are much more practical!
Wait…it’s a SCI-FI metal bra…can’t it have a deflector shield build in? If nothing else, it’s deflect wander hands.
Despite the lurid covers and silly titles (chosen by the editors to grab the attention of potential readers) many of the stories in these magazines were excellent. Ray Bradbury, obviously, and as seen on some of the others, Robert Silverberg and Henry Slesar, as well as Fredric Brown and Leigh Brackett, who later wrote The Empire Strikes Back and some of Howard Hawks’s best films. What these and many other first-rate authors had in common is that they weren’t suited for Astounding, then the only “respectable” science fiction magazine. That would all change once Galaxy and F & SF were launched.