Monster of the Day #1283

Although it murders hundreds, this is the cutest monster ever. It even makes a little squeeky noise. It’s painful to watch it killed.

  • Gamera977

    It’s all about the PR. You can kill and maim thousands of humans but save an odd human child here and there and you’re ‘the friend of children’ and therefore a ‘good guy’.

  • bgbear_rnh

    Sounds like socialism.

  • bgbear_rnh

    Cute, squeeks, needs to be destroyed. Sounds like a job for Ultradog!

  • So true. So very true.

  • Flangepart

    Yet Minya failed to live up to dad’s potential…odd that.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Well, Harry Flashman once pointed out that a single virtue in a bad man is always praised more highly than a man who was always virtuous.

  • Ericb

    It looks like the underside of a skate or a ray.

  • Gamera977

    Good eye! I thought it looked like something I’d seen before but couldn’t lay a finger on it.

  • The Rev.

    Correct! It’s Bostang (even has a cool name), the alien ray monster from episode 21, “Space Directive M4774.” He was a bio-weapon sent by the Alien Keel to destroy the human race (imagine that!) Surprisingly, it’s never been resurrected, although there appears to have been an homage in one of those “Ultra Galaxy” movies, as a character has a spaceship very obviously modeled like Bostang.

  • Eric Hinkle

    The alien Keel? Makes me wonder if they were thinking of the highly entertaining and rather bizarre John Keel, author of ‘The Mothman Prophecies’ and similar strange tomes.

  • Gamera977

    Oh gawd, I read that. I visited Point Pleasant a few years back and picked up the book. I swear it sounded like the raving of a lunatic to me…

  • Eric Hinkle

    I’d like to visit Point Pleasant sometime myself, and maybe swing by Flatwoods if I can. As for the book, it’s entertaining in a bizarre way. And Keel was both egotistical (he wrote his autobiography at the age of 23, after all) and very paranoid.

  • Gamera977

    Well, there’s not a lot to Point Pleasant, I thought I live in a small town but gee it’s friggin’ Chicago compared with PP. The Mothman Museum is tiny, looks like a converted five & dime store, with odds and ends from the tale and items from the movie. They have a guided tour where they take you around where the whole thing happened on a van but with my luck I was there on the weekend they weren’t running it. There is also a very cool museum nearby dedicated to the Ohio River, with piles of artifacts dedicated to the riverboats and other river traffic though history. And a neat model of the Silver Bridge, it appeared on the Travel Channel’s ‘Mysteries at the Museum’. If you walk down by the waterfront there’s some cool murals and statues showing frontier life, traffic on the Ohio River, and the uprising of Chief Cornstalk. Plus you get to watch tugs pushing barges up and down the river which was kinda cool too. I didn’t think to drive out to Flatwoods though. All in all it’s neat if you’re in the area, not much to it though, I saw everything in a day. The town is so small that there’s not even a motel, I had to drive over the replacement to the Silver Bridge to the next town to get a room. There is a Mothman Festival which I’ll have to drive up for some day, seems like if you are going that would be the time to hit the place. I’ll have to dig up my photos and post some of them.

  • Eric Hinkle

    Wow, thanks for the tour guide. To me it sounds like an interesting place to visit; I’d much rather see some place like Point Pleasant or St. Augustine in Florida than Disney World.

  • Gamera977

    No problem, there are a few other things around to see and do. The Green Bank Radio Telescope is pretty awesome, of course it’s in operation so you can’t see much of it but they do have a van that take you on a guided tour around the facilities. And there are several coal mining museums including a played out mine where you can ride one of the ore trains though it. Plus WV is a beautiful state, I went up in the spring and the mountains and forests were gorgeous.