Monster of the Day #1042

What I love about this cover, really love, is how prosaic a threat the snake is, all things considered.

  • Beckoning Chasm

    I can imagine seeing this cover at, say, five years old and being terrified of Mr. Light-Bulb Head.

  • Flangepart

    Mr. Light Bulb head…someone should make a model of him, with light up head!
    Hummm…a little wire, a bulb and a saw…but where to get a male fig. with those cloths?

  • bgbear_rnh

    He looks like a bright fellow.

  • sandra

    So, Ro-Man’s brother isn’t enough to cope with, she has to face a snake as well ?

  • rtpoeman

    That’s not Mr. Light Bulb Head, that’s VACUUM TUBE MAN!!!!

  • bgbear_rnh

    I have been accused of having a vacuum between my ears but, this is ridicules.

  • Eric Hinkle

    I get the impression that the snake is the one calling the shots here. “Hold her, my mechanical-minded slave! Sssshe may have refusssed to become my bride, but ssshe ssshall still know the Kisss of the Cobra!”

  • Ken_Begg

    A He-Man figure would be pretty close, I’d think.

  • Flangepart

    A-HAH! Suprise the crap out of Skeletor.
    “It is HE-MAN, my sworn enemy. I will…what the hell?”

  • Luke Blanchard

    According to the ISFDB the title story was “Beyond the Vortex” by Frank Belknap Long, the artist was Rudolph Belarski, and the editor was Oscar J. Friend.

    I notice Friend continued the practice of not naming the cover story on the cover. This continues to puzzle me. Murray Leinster was a popular SF author in the period, so you’d expect to see his name used. But the ISFDB doesn’t list any other stories by Paul MacNamara. (It mainly lists fantastic stories, so he may have written in other genres.) Long had been writing fantastic fiction for years, and Ray Cummings and John Russell Fearn also had stories in the issue (but they’re placed late in the line-up, so perhaps Friend thought them weak efforts). Possibly Friend blurbed “The Last Man in New York” because he thought it has a saleable title.

  • Ken_Begg

    Then he would think to himself, “I hope my puppy is OK!”