Vox Populi!

The B-Masters are going to do a round of Living Dead movies next month.  Any suggestions?  I’ve going to define living dead pretty broadly, so it doesn’t *just* have to be zombies, although there’s nothing wrong with going Old School.  For time’s sake, I’m also looking for something that would be currently available on DVD.  And please, nothing *too* epically gory?  Not my thing, you know.

  • Ericb

    How about Invisible Invaders? More “alien possessed dead” than “living dead” but it works to similar effect. I wonder if Romero ever saw it.

  • The weirdest fact about II is that the scientist Carradine plays is apparently meant to be the same senior scientist guy from The Giant Claw.

  • BeckoningChasm

    You could do “Zombie Nightmare” and have another Jon Mikl Thor entry. Not sure of its availability though.

  • Yeah, no DVD for that one, I fear.

  • fish eye no mikof

    BeckoningChasm said “You could do ‘Zombie Nightmare’ and have another Jon Mikl Thor entry. Not sure of its availability though.”

    Amazon has the VHS version listed.
    That one would be interesting. It has Adam West, Tia Cararre, a guy throwing pasta at his mom, a Tiny Turner-esque voo-doo priestess, a coroner with an odd voice…
    They showed this on MST, btw. It was the subject of their College Tour in ’94 (holy shit, how long have I been in MST fandom…?). I know, as I went to see it here on the University of Arizona campus. I even got a t-shirt!
    /She’s hiding… behind… a WINDOW!

  • S. Ninja

    I don’t know if Wild Zero (Japanese movie starring the rock band Guitar Wolf) would be too gory; all I know is that it’s one of the outright weirdest movies I’ve ever seen. It has zombies, aliens, flamethrowers, creative weaponized use of guitars, disgruntled convenience store clerks, and a crossdressing “heroine”. And the origin of the zombies makes NO SENSE.

    By the way- Great reviews! I’m always glad when there are new ones. Looking forward to the Living Dead Cabal!

  • fish eye no miko

    Ken said: “And please, nothing *too* epically gory? Not my thing, you know.”

    I hear ya. I like horror movie, but I don’t like a lot of gore… which really suck, given that today, so many movies confuse “scary” with “gory”.
    Thing is, I LOVE being creeped out (the end of _Ringu_ was awesome in the regard), but I’d rather NOT have all the blood and entrails, too, thanks.

    This is why I like having the Turner Classic Movies channel–lots of really cool old horror movies, which tend to be lighter on the gore.

  • Wild Zero is actually a *good* movie, albeit a weird one. I don’t have my Snappy anymore (because it was a pain in the ass), and thus can’t pull stills off a tape, and they are a pain to work off of generally. I didn’t see a DVDR of it anywhere, and I probably don’t need to buy another movie anyway.

    I’ve (sort of) made my peace with gruesome violence, but it’s still not my thing. I’ll never, ever be a fan of slasher films, for instance. I’ve never seen an entire Friday the 13th movie, and have no plans to. If I do an Italian zombie movie–and you can’t go wrong there–I will expect some gore.

    Creature with the Atom Brain seems right up my alley, but it isn’t out until mid-October.

  • Sandy Petersen

    fly on down to Texas, Ken. I have about … 1009 zombie movies you can check out for your round. As you know. Hmm. trying to think of a suitably bad one without too much gore…

    How about Astro-Zombies? Or its 2002 sequel?

    Or Children Shouldn’t Play with Dead Things (not too gory, and with some cosmically unsympathetic protagonists)

    Or Hell of the Living Dead. It’s incompetently gory, but it’s so stupid that even zombie fans shun it.

    Or Oasis of the Zombies. Now that Gangrene Widescreen seems KOed, we still need a good review of this stinker. Or it’s retarded brother, Shock Waves.

    One last possibility could be Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires, which includes a giant army of zombies as I’m sure you recall.

  • Brandi

    Plague of the Zombies? Hammer’s only (to the best of my knowledge) foray into zombie films, and more in the vein of White Zombie (cheap, horrible labor) than the post-Romero gutmunchers.

  • Gem

    “Corpses are Forever” (or “4ever”). I heard this was some kind of labor of love for the director/star, who spent his trust fund on it.

    If you can beleive it, this is a James Bond-style secret agent adventure crossed with a zombie flick! It has a Blofeld-style villain who seems to have an army of exactly four soldiers. Watch for the scene where Blofeld guy says the country has been overrun by zombies, and outside his “office”, you can see cars driving by sedately, lights are on, and there are no signs at all of civil unrest. Must be seen to be believed!

  • Jennifer

    Well, since by definition you’re looking for entertainingly bad ones:

    Gangs of the Undead
    Quick and the Undead
    Plane Dead (Snakes on a Plane)

  • Quartz

    This might be a bit of a stretch, but couldn’t one say that any Frankenstein film could classify as a Living Dead movie?

    Or is being one of the Reanimated Dead a different matter? ;^)

  • Biozombie if you haven’t seen it already.

  • Blake Matthews

    I know they’re not epically bad movies, but I think you (or one of the B-Masters) should do some of those HK movies: Vampire vs. Vampire, Encounter of the Spooky Kind, etc. They’re all on DVD, too!

  • LukeB

    Revolting Dead. Not only do the zombies not show up until the last ten minutes or so, but it’s a “comedy” so abysmal i didn’t even realise it until half-way through. It’s the single most incompetent film i own. I can’t remember any gore, but to be honest i kinda phased out for most of it and have never had the will power to revisit.

  • BeckoningChasm

    Nathan Shumate did a page on his website (“Zombiemart”?) that attempted to list every zombie/living dead film ever made. You might contact him to see if the page is still accessible. There were lots and lots of movies listed, and he had some pretty specific rules about what was there and what wasn’t (Dark City, yes, Planet of the Vampires, no).

    Sometimes it’s fun having this weird dyslexia I have. I saw the line about “Corpses 4ever” with the guy spending his “trust fund” and for some reason, my eye read “last turd.”

  • Not-So-Great Cthulhu

    You could try either of the last two “Return of the Living Dead” films. I’m not sure how gory they might be, but they certainly were moronic from what I saw of them on Sci-Fi.

    In fact, the only thing that MIGHT be able to make either of them entertaining is to be the subject of one of your reviews. Lord knows the writing, acting, directing and editing didn’t make them entertaining.

  • Mr. Begg, I almost certainly will go to Hell for saying this, but I put it to you that you have yet to review a Uwe Boll film in full-length.

    “House of the Dead” is not only available, it’s execreble.

  • The Rev. D.D.

    Lessee…crappy living dead films…could be vampires or zombies…
    As already stated, most Italian zombie movies are pretty craptacular. Dr. Butcher, M.D. or Oasis of the Zombies would be good for the awful factor, although Dr. Butcher’s pretty graphic. There’s also Alien Dead and The Video Dead.
    On the vamp side, Dracula 3000 or Vampires: The Turning would be strong choices.
    I don’t know if possessed-type people would count, but Demons 2 is a possibility. The people look kind of zombie-like, and they infect others by hurting them, like most zombies do. Plus it’s horrible.

  • For posterity, that was Biozombie recommended as a good/great zombie movie, not a bad one.

  • turkish spock

    Howzabout Last Man on Earth with Vincent Price? It’d be somewhat timely, too, what with the new Will Smith version of ‘I Am Legend’ lurking on the horizon.