Monster of the Day #901 Updated on May 7, 2014 By Ken Begg 6 Comments Don’t it make my brown eyes black… Tweet Pin It Related PostsMonster of the Day #3688 (Mar 20, 2025) Not Monster of the Day #8 (Mar 18, 2025) Monster of the Day #3687 (Mar 12, 2025) Not Monster of the Day #5 (Mar 10, 2025) Not Monster of the Day #3 (Mar 6, 2025) By Ken Begg bgbear_rnh “Redeye” reduction in a low-budget photo editing app? Cullen Waters One the one hand, this is the creepiest picture of the three. Something about those big black eyes really gets to me. On the other hand, for some reason it’s also the most fake looking of the three. That’s clearly a digital effect. Flangepart The whole face seems digital. Is it her ‘game face?’ The Rev. Anyone have a clue on this one? Ken_Begg X-Files, although I’m not sure if it’s an episode or the first movie. That whole black oil business, when the show started spinning out of control. The Rev. Ah. Outside of a couple of random standalone monster episodes, I didn’t watch this. So that black oil business means nothing to me.