Monster of the Day #895

Here’s the beastie from the end of the movie; it’s supposed to be a giant spider, but is the head at least was clearly designed to be that of a giant ant. This movie was made in 1943, ten years before Them!, so I have no idea what that ant would have been fabricated for. Weird.

  • Gamera977

    50% spider + 50% ant = 100% awesome!!!

  • bgbear_rnh

    Help me! Help me!

  • bgbear_rnh

    I have no idea what that ant would have been fabricated for

    I think the prop guys stole it from Dale Gribble’s “Dead Bug” van.

  • Flangepart

    Or, a display prop for the old ‘Cooties’ toys.

  • Rock Baker

    Cool! Sure has that similar -if smaller- critter from KING SOLOMON’S MINES beat!

    In other affairs, how goes the job search, Ken?

  • The really sad thing about my childhood was that with all the Tarzan movies I watched as a kid, this was never one of them.

  • LT_Harper

    The spider is pretty good for those days. Better than that crappy one in Missile to the Moon. And at least they didn’t just put rabbit fur all over a Volkswagen and glue giant pipe cleaners to it’s sides.