Oh, Madonna…

Despite my general disdain for the intellectual capacity of your average celebrity, I really couldn’t care less about their private lives. (In fact, I often go cross-eyed from the amount of ‘news’ coverage their ‘love’ lives get.) This site is not intended as a forum for bashing them, in any case, but there are times…

[Per the IMDB]: “Madonna and her husband Guy Ritchie celebrated the Jewish holiday of Purim in an unusual manner on Thursday – by dressing up as a nun and the Pope. The couple were spotted on the streets of London as they made their way to a Kabbalah party to celebrate the holiday, which commemorates the day Queen Esther saved the Jewish people living in ancient Persia from extermination. Madonna’s publicist, Liz Rosenberg, tells MTV, “Yes, she was dressed as a nun and Guy was dressed as the pope. Some Catholic groups are saying stuff, but Purim is a joyous holiday occasion. Madonna and Guy had a great time drinking and dancing. It’s funny, because she said that she was happy that the pictures of her are out there because her father would be so proud. She said that when she was a girl she wanted to be a nun and she guesses that she’s still a nun at heart.”

No comment needed.

  • That is one odd woman.

  • WTF?!?!?!

  • All righty then. The last time I checked, though, Purim was a fun holiday for Jews to celebrate a time when they were delivered from extermination in Persia. As opposed to a holiday where you raise the bar on your capacity for being a complete and absolute moron.

  • Purim: now it’s the Jewish Halloween!

  • Mr. Blue

    Is it just me, or is she reminding you of Doug the Head from Snatch? You know, the guy who thought he was Jewish, but “was about as Jewish as a @#@! monkey”.

    Or the dentist from Seinfield who converted purely for the joke telling immunity.

  • twitterpate

    Poor Madonna. As she gets older, it’s harder and harder to be offensive, rather than pathetic.