Monster of the Day #3377
Loch Ness. Who knew? (Funny that in Britain the monster came from the sea, but in Germany….)
Loch Ness. Who knew? (Funny that in Britain the monster came from the sea, but in Germany….)
We ended on our usual kaiju film. I picked Gamera Super Monster because its so damn goofy. Pleasingly, Chad first say Gamera vs Jiger on the multi-film disc menu, and got very… Read Article →
By the time The Pack ended we were heading into the home stretch. The third from last film was the Sweeny Todd-inspired The Undertaker and His Pals, presented by our co-host Paul…. Read Article →
One thing about having a group of, shall we say, knowable B-movie experts making the selections is that we end up with a very please mix of eras and genres. Not everyone… Read Article →
Following the debacle of Things (which I’ve always argued should be called “Stuff,” since its one of those plotless, one damn thing after another pictures), things got better. Of course, they pretty… Read Article →
So after Kraa we completely switched gears. Chad R showed Murder He Says, a 1945 murder comedy starring Fred MacMurray that’s probably the best thing you’re going to find as a cofeature… Read Article →
Well, we never did explicate what our little group watched at Basement Fest ’23. The first Basement Fest was held because they had cancelled B-Fest because of Covid. However, a goodly portion… Read Article →
We watched a Gamera movie several months ago at a Watch Party. However, I barely got Howling II in after it had been on my list for a long time, because it… Read Article →
For those watching Bofuri, we are getting another one week delay. Obnoxious, but better to do the show right than to force it. And hey, if it hadn’t been for the first… Read Article →
Hey, everyone. We got storms tonight, with occasionally heavy rains and hail. So…if I don’t send out the invitation in about an hour and a half, it’ll be because my power went… Read Article →