Monster of the Day #3399
She’s not horrified because the guy is dead. If he were rich, she’d be all “Oh, Mr. Bones, how do you keep so thin? And green and purple, how daring! Simper, simper.”… Read Article →
She’s not horrified because the guy is dead. If he were rich, she’d be all “Oh, Mr. Bones, how do you keep so thin? And green and purple, how daring! Simper, simper.”… Read Article →
Man, time flies. Friday, 9:00 EST, see you there.
Poker? I hardly know her. Also, not to be pedantic, but aren’t all vampires corpses?
This isn’t my bag, but Shin Godzilla was followed by Shin Ultraman which has now been followed by Shin Kamen Rider. It will be in theaters for one day on Wednesday, May… Read Article →
Happy Thursday! The weekend is nearly here. Not sure the extra head adds much, but great cover nonetheless.
That guy in the foreground is like, “NOOOOOOOOO!!!! I was just two payments away from paying it off!!!” Wednesday! Getting there.
Man, that’s the stuff. Multiple monsters, chicks, guns, vehicular mayhem…. Tuesday. Hmm. At least we’ve got a holiday on the horizon.
Turns out Amazon Prime (currently) has the three seasons of Lost in Space. So the second to last episode, The Great Vegetable Revolution, was an obvious choice. And hey, an ‘hour’ of… Read Article →
Sweet! Friday! Yay! Watch something stupid, folks. If you come to tonight’s Watch Party (9:00 EST), you’ll be covered. Have a great weekend.
Man brings civilization to Mars. Thursday! Nearly the weekend. Saw Ponyo yesterday. Man, I’m loving seeing the Ghibli stuff on the big screen. Miyazaki in a minor key, but still wonderful. Decent… Read Article →