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Author Topic: Avengers Spoiler Discussion Thread...
Initiate of Jabootu
Posts: 17
Post Re: Avengers Spoiler Discussion Thread...
on: May 24, 2012, 12:31

In reply to Marsden: I guess it's the deluxe Captain America DVD--I don't buy many DVDs these days, and when I do, I always buy the Blu-Ray version (when it goes on sale, that is).

Thrall of Jabootu
Posts: 83
Post Re: Avengers Spoiler Discussion Thread...
on: May 25, 2012, 23:18

I finally saw it last night and was horrified that Coulson got killed. My wife had asked who my favorite character was (her's was Ironman, but Thor's manly manliness may have changed that). Mine was, in all honesty, Coulson. He was so wonderfully deadpan. Of course, Marvel's always been good about taking these minor side characters and injecting them with a surprising amount of life and personality.

The amount of screen time he got should have been a warning sign.

Thrall of Jabootu
Posts: 83
Post Re: Avengers Spoiler Discussion Thread...
on: June 4, 2012, 21:59

I never thought about this:

Very Good Writing – Why Loki Won in The Avengers

Initiate of Jabootu
Posts: 12
Post Re: Avengers Spoiler Discussion Thread
on: June 22, 2012, 13:11

I finally got to see the whole movie! Yay! I don't think I've ever been this satisfied with a movie. At least not since Captain America last year, and really never before that. Maybe Star Trek 2, but I was 12 then, so I really don't put that in the same catagory. I also saw it in 3d and I can now say with confidence 3d is not worth it and won't be doing that again. It really didn't enhance my veiwing and detracted from it. When something did appear to be closer it was closer but totally flat, like a cut out passed in front of the movie. Maybe it's my terrible eyes, but it reminded me more than anything of the Veiwmaster I had when I was 8, flat little images that overlayed to give depth but were flat pictures, but they didn't move and the flatness of the image didn't detract from it being 2 dimentional.

Well, enough 3-d, it was great, I really can't complain about anything. That Shwarma scene was so funny. Not in a hilarious comic sense but in the fact that they so rarely show any aftermath of the movie, they were tired and it showed. It was really well done. The whole movie was really well done. I didn't want Coulson to die, but after what happened to him it was better for him to go with dignity than the "oh it's just a flesh wound" too many other movies pull.

A couple times Loki looked like it was his stunt double and they forgot to light Tony's chest through his Black Sabbath shirt in a few scenes. I don't know why I'm mentioning that, but I really couldn't see any problems, they tied everything and everyone together beautifally, and even Scarlett Johanson was good.

Another scene that really left an impact on me was toward the end when the one lady from the office building where Cap lost his helmet was interviewed on CNN and she said that Captain America saved her life.

So many movies just blow up tons of shit and forget most of those cars and buildings contain people.
Really, any movie can take a lesson from that one, Batman movies especially. I'm not looking to much forward to the next one because they are trying too hard to make it earth shattering. A criminal overlord like Bane should not be able to capture a whole city, isn't there a national government where Gotham is. Whoops, got of topic. BTW I think the new Spider Man looks good, I actually see a real reason for restarting him now as Tobey MaGuire was into the sensitive and mature Spider Man and this new one seems to be trying to get that late 60s early 70s wisecracking Spider Man that leaves a note signed "Friendly Neighbood Spider Man"

I'd single out more stuff, but there was so much good stuff and nice touches.

BTW, thanks to BC for answering me, I have never wanted to buy a blu ray player before like I do just to see those extra shorts. They aren't puting them on the DVDs. There's another short coming with the Avengers Blu ray. I'm thinking about ordering the 6 movie set they are supposedly having come out with both Iron mans, Hulk, Thor, Cap, and Avengers.

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