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Author Topic: Dinosaur War Izenborg
The Rev.
Initiate of Jabootu
Posts: 44
Post Dinosaur War Izenborg
on: September 26, 2013, 22:52

Most of us know that I love Attack of the Supermonsters beyond all reason. Some of you may know that it was spliced together from four episodes of the titular television show, which I've longed to see. This year they released the original series on DVD; so far, there only seem to be Japanese and Italian (???) language releases of it.

Anyway, earlier this week I was on YouTube for some reason, and found some episodes posted. I watched one; it's in the original Japanese so I really don't know what's being said.

I don't think it matters, though, if the one I watched was any indication. The team fought a Cobrasaurus that was flooding the city with gallons of thick, acidic venom. One of their vehicles was utterly melted down at one point. A new technique they tried was a giant electrified net, which worked about as well as you'd suspect. They enacted a variant of their finisher to destroy it, which was interesting if not as graphic. It also appears that the odd holographic image showing the Gem/Jim combination is a bit more disquieting in the original.

It turns out that the voices they used for the comic relief guys in AotS were actually LESS annoying, by a large margin, than the original voices. Tyrannus' voice is better, too. Gem and Jim are surprisingly similar in both versions.

What I'm trying to say is I either need to learn Japanese ASAP or they need to release a version with English dub or sub. That's all.

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