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Author Topic: Need titles for these movies part 1
Initiate of Jabootu
Posts: 1
Post Need titles for these movies part 1
on: September 23, 2013, 05:18

Oh hi all this is Freschel from the old Jabootu site. Decided to have a new user name for new site. Anyway these movies or movie previews I have seen but forgotten the title for them. Here goes.

1) This was from an ad around the early 70's. A family inherited a mansion(?) from their uncle, but the house was a death trap. The ad showed the daughter being killed in the bathroom. The son was being crushed to death in his room and the parents were being crushed to death while in their bed.

2) There was this tree that suck blood. It was right next to a house. That's all I know about this movie.

3) An Exorcist rip off. Thought it was "Beyond the Green Door" but it wasn't the right title. There was a little girl who was obsessed with "Love Story".

4) A group of angry middle schoolers destroyed their school because blah blah something that some cops did to them. During the ransacking a kid with two hands full of headphones said something to the main protagonist and left. At the end of the movie that same kid with two others were on the bridge waving and cheering the main protagonist as he was in a bus heading to juvy. They were playing "Oh Child"(?) while the end credits were rolling.

5) This was a spoof of "Pulp Fiction", at least I think it was. One part of the movie showed the two guys from "Clerks". They looked puzzled because it was in color not black and white. Somebody told them that "It's an upgrade" or something like that.

That's all I can think of right now. So get your thinking caps on and guess the movie titles. Thanks :)

Posts: 29
Post Re: Need titles for these movies part 1
on: September 23, 2013, 07:43

1) Twice Dead, maybe? Haven't seen it so I can't be sure.

2) Could the The Guardian (1990) or if older and junkier, Maneater of Hydra, aka Island of the Doomed.

3) is simply Beyond the Door, one of the major Italian knock-offs of The Exorcist. Behind the Green Door was a porno starring Marilyn Chambers.

4) No idea.

5) Got nothing.

Initiate of Jabootu
Posts: 31
Post Re: Need titles for these movies part 1
on: September 25, 2013, 12:28

I remember that the main bad kid was named "Richie" and he his parents had to move from another town because he was such scum.

Sorry, that's all I have.

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