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Author Topic: Josh Kennedy reviews OZ...
Minion of Jabootu
Posts: 147
Post Josh Kennedy reviews OZ...
on: March 12, 2013, 18:16

-a film I'd never heard of, but I gather from the review (pasted below) that it's a prequel to the 1939 classic THE WIZARD OF OZ. On the face of it, the very notion of doing such a film sounds like folly. Still, it feeds into the sort of thing we traffic in around here so I thought I'd share it. Let this offer some hope too, for Josh demonstrates he is wise beyond his years by understanding why physical effects have more resonance....

In the words of Josh "ATTACK OF THE OCTOPUS PEOPLE" Kennedy:

"Just returned from seeing OZ: THE GREAT AND POWERFUL.

...and since I've been whooping all my midterm's butts, I decided to go all out and blow the full month's wages on the IMAX 3D Experience.

I'll do my best to be brief; as this is one of the few movies I was very curious to see this year, and I can't help but give my two cents to some form of medium... and to anyone who cares to read.

I felt the first half was the best part... mainly because it relied so little on special effects. I'm not sure about you, but once we get to CGI land, my brain somewhat tunes out the "Splendor" and "Magic" because I know it's fake. (This goes with all movies that place CGI at the forefront. Hence, why I love practical and old-school effects... because there's something actually there: Whether it be a stop-motion puppet, or a model city, etc.) All that aside, the effects were gorgeous to look at... and the 3D wasn't wasted. I always love a good pop-out effect, even if it's cheesy. But, since the land of Oz was ALL CGI, I tuned most of it out.

Not giving anything away, but the film contained a few sub-plots involving the Witches of Oz which I felt were pretty lame concept-wise. When one's mind knows the genius story of WICKED (Book and/or musical), one can feel somewhat let-down by this version of how the Wicked Witch came to be. REALLY?! THIS is how Margaret Hamilton came to be? That plot-line seemed very mediocre compared to WICKED. UGH.

And for every friggin movie monster nowadays, do we have to have that super loud CG Screaming/Howling/Screeching? The Wicked Witch doesn't do that! There was enough of that howling in I AM LEGEND to last a lifetime.

Besides the witches, I felt every other aspect of the story was very well done. I love any film that has people working together... and it had a lot of this. (That's the Disney in me) Great comedic supporting characters and some funny, witty, innocent dialogue, which is rare to find these days. Very surprised to find that this film had a lot of heart!

Now, I was, at first, very sickened to learn the James Franco was going to be in it. But, after watching it, he was PERFECT in the movie. I'm not a Franco fan, but he just fit amazingly well as Oz. I don't even think he was acting... he was just being himself, which, I felt, worked extremely well for the character. I can't get over how impressed I was with him. He was my favorite part in the movie. My opinion. You may hate him. But don't hate. In the words of the All-Mighty Peter Cushing: "I hate the word hate".

All in all, we all knew this was NOT gong to be WIZARD OF OZ... DUH! But it WAS a fun adventure/journey film.... and it was awesome to see the Emerald City and a thundering voice claim: "I AM OZ!" on the big screen once more. However, as with most films nowadays, they tend to explode the climax with CGI and loud sounds... and I find that so dull. You may feel differently, and if so, it should be more exiting for you!

However...WIZARD OF OZ didn't have CGI... and that's one of the most exciting climaxes in the history of film! ...I wonder how this film would've played out if they did it 1939 style... Hmm... Do it ALL on sound-stages... in Technicolor.. Now THAT would be a challenge!

And now, the final issue: Why the HECK didn't they do WICKED instead? I mean, c'mon: It's a WAY better backstory for the greatest movie villain of all time than that cheap plot they wrote for her in this one! Plus, it's a WAY better backstory for THE WIZARD! (Not saying I didn't like his story in OZ... I would just prefer WICKED's)

WICKED has so many more wonderful opportunities... I hope it gets made.


My Conan O' Brien Rating:

39 being Great, 38 being Terrible and 14 being okay.... I give this a 24."

Minion of Jabootu
Posts: 199
Post Re: Josh Kennedy reviews OZ...
on: March 13, 2013, 08:57

Thanks Rock for posting this, first movie in some time I've wanted to go see. Actually looks like a fun movie.

And as the guy who always played the wizard in D&D how could I resist?

Minion of Jabootu
Posts: 199
Post Re: Josh Kennedy reviews OZ...
on: March 22, 2013, 08:32

Finally saw this last night and frankly I loved it! I'll agree with Kennedy on most of his points, not the greatest plot (I haven't read or seen 'Wicked') and some rough spots but it was FUN! Personally I'm just fed up with Dark and Gritty - it's old, it's tedious, it's worn out.

'OtGaP' was sweet, charming, and may I say whimsical (not a word I use every day!) It's the type of movie you just feel GOOD after seeing it rather than wanting to slit your wrists.

The massive use of CGI didn't really bother me because it was used to support the story rather than the other way around. Frankly I enjoyed seeing it used to well... put the fantastic back in fantasy. Nice to see a movie where you get jaw-dropping scenic vistas and the whole 'sense of wonder'in a fantasy film rather than a bunch of guys with dirt smeared over their faces hacking at each other with swords in the mud while the shaky-cam bounces around like a gibbon with the DTs.

And in a small walk-on role (blink and you'll miss it) BRUCE FRIGGIN' CAMPBELL!!! And he does his patented Bruce 'Rubberface' Campbell act when he gets whacked in the head with a stick several times - I think it was in the commentary to one of the 'Evil Dead' movies that Raimi says that he just enjoys seeing Bruce in pain...

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