Join us on Saturday the 27th at Sandy Petersen’s house in Rockwall, TX (right outside Dallas) for the somethingth annual T(ween) Fest. This time we’ll be honoring votes collected at last year’s T-Fest, and the films will feature defenestration, dinosaur, explication of moronic scheme, future date gone by, horrible child actor, killer plant, luchador, mad scientist, martial arts, midget/dwarf, monster vs. monster fight, ninja, octopus/squid, robot, rubber suit monster, space babe, spider, spring-loaded cat, techobabble and transformation scene. Those were the winner from a list of over 120 possible topics.
For what it’s worth, a burst of oddly cheap plane tickets allowed me to set plans to return later this year for T-Fest, although the date haggling was quite intense. I have to take complete responsibility / fault for the fact that this year’s T-Fest–the 8th, I believe, will run on Saturday, November 2nd.
We hope to see you next week, and in November. Details to any of the above can be had by emailing me at